anyone who complains about a spawn flip is nowhere near "top tier" - i can tell you that right now ;) a little spawn flip shouldn't affect anyone with talent.
i have 2 solid 6 man groups i play i.b. with, we will control the zones as possible, but if you spawn next to 'a' you better at least neutralize it and make an effort ;) we triple cap to pop our supers and build the lead, then go back to the 2 zone method, if the spawn flips you just adapt and flip with it. it's really not that challenging.
Hah. I'll bet you and your friends have capped my ass plenty bro. You're the guys I learn from while I'm getting stomped. I still suck at pvp but slowly, I see a kd above 1 more often than not.
If ur on xb1 hit me up