I will start to make these types of Threads called “Story time“ with different topics. You my dear users can tell what happened, how it happened etc.
[spoiler]I've never been banned, only warned[/spoiler]
I can't post any new comments here. Thanks for the people who reported me.
[spoiler]2016 the year everyone gets offended by everything.[/spoiler]
No idea where to start
[b] [/b] [spoiler]Best story ever, isn't?[/spoiler] [spoiler]I have never been banned.[/spoiler]
Honestly, couldn't tell you...I know I got banned once for a post that literally only said "Kill yourself."
Aldi final boss - old
The first time I was banned was for posting a link to the Gauntlet. -
No ban, I'm just a goody two-shoes. [spoiler]inb4ban[/spoiler]
Just your standard suicide joke. Nothing special.
Back when Dames of Destiny was the highlight I said "Cool so since girls can have an exclusive clan im going to make an all Black clan" got banned. Double Standard much Bungo?
I think I made a 9/11 joke in #density
Edited by Lord Memester: 8/2/2016 6:27:16 PMI talked shit about Pokemon go, and a bunch of ash Ketchum dick riders reported me.
For my first ban, I posted a thread with an all caps title.
Does anybody remember Crazy Lincoln? I don't know if he still comes here but this involves him. There was a thread where you could draw your own picture and post it. So I drew Lincoln. His awful hairline and general awfulness [i]may[/i] have been a little exaggerated. Anyway, I guess one of the ninjas didn't like it because I got banned for that picture.
I answered a question Question: Op is__________
It was a lovely day outside, it was raining I I had nothing else to do than go on the #feedback forum, to get more reasons to kill myself. The first post I laid my eyes on was "buff the last word back to year one status". And that was just the title... The body was way worse. "The last word doesn't feel exotic and is not strong at all" (that's all I want to write, but I bet you get what I'm trying to say). I wrote my honest opinion about the last word and why it shouldn't be buffed... It was of course a hunter who wrote the post didn't have any other class on his profile... Three hunters... He proceeded to shit talk and I did as well.... I may have gone a little of edge with what I was writing, but I got banned for a month, and then a month again because off more shit talking.
I got banned the day I got unbanned for calling furrys r*tarded.
I called someone an idiot on the destiny forums and got banned for 2 weeks lol
Never banned or warned, although I've deserved it many times.
I called someone a cocky asshole, two week ban I believe
I don't remember but my latest warning was for telling an entitled little shit that "no, I will not be 'friends' with a brat like yourself, now stop spamming me."
Am I banned
Just got three warnings today on the dark joke thread. But one was a joke about feminists always being the victim, I have no idea why I got a warning for that one.
I've only been group wall banned.
Let's just say that trans Doritos hug post started like this (>^_^)> and escalated. A lot.
Ahhh, the memories, I got bored, so I decided to go to the very first page of #Density, and message every person who posted there this message Hello, I am afraid that you have contracted desticular cancer, please go through electroshock therapy to purge yourself of this disease Don't ban me I'm telling a story
Said something about overwatch and tobjorn being trash in so many words. 2 week ban
I said something about the Kardashians last week Got a week ban. Not my first. Used to get a ban once a month
I made a joke about the life expectancy of African children [spoiler]¯\_(ツ)_/¯.[/spoiler]