After watching the twitch stream of what the Cosmodrome will look like, it got me wondering....what about players brand new to Destiny? In the stream you guys said you wanted to show the progression of time passing, which is awesome! But only to someone who's been playing since year 1. If someone were to just get the game come September, they aren't going to be as impacted by the change in scenery cause from their perspective, nothing changed. You only showed the patrol in the Cosmodrome, but how does this effect older story missions? Will they even look the same or are there new elements now that the plague is out? How would that make sense storywise though if older missions take place before the coming snow storm? I'm mainly thinking in the perspective of someone starting fresh with no knowledge of Destiny, because that's something you have to think of when designing such concepts for games. Since I've been playing from year 1, I'm super excited for these changes. But it feels like you're not considering how this plays out for a new guardian. You claimed this is going to be a 10 year game, then you should anticipate new players for each year. I've posted before about bringing back the Swords of Crota and Wolves in special patrol servers for new players so they can still experience what it was like when Crota and Skolas were the main threat, but if the Cosmodrome is never going to look the same this point on, it seems like you'll leave all new players behind from that experience. A new player shouldn't be able to jump to Oryx without ever facing Crota, likewise they shouldn't be taking on Siva before Oryx. The story you are trying to tell should have some pathological order to it. Even if this added snow is seasonal to the environment, the destruction from the Fallen shows that it'll never look the same after the plague is dealt with. There really should be servers that preserve the old Cosmodrome, or a way to select the invasion that happens. It shouldn't be optional for new players, but the experience shouldn't be taken away from them either just because they are late to the party.
Please take this to heart Bungie, this game should be welcoming to new guardians, and not overwhelm them or confuse them with a mess of questlines that are out of order with the story because you're pushing the newest expansion and leaving the previous behind
Holy wall of text batman...