I saw an earlier post about that petition to rename Fire Ants on the news, and everyone was saying "offtopic doesn't make memes, they steal them."
What if we did make a meme?
Make a meme
Any meme that starts here never gets past the Offtopic hashtag. Too small of a community
You can't force a meme. It has to happen organically or it becomes like that cringy $201.. whatever the hell it was, shit fest from a couple years ago. People try to make viral memes every day. Just take a peak at reddit or 4chan and you'll see dozens of them right now. But very rarely do any of them actually take off.
Every meme here is forced Look at $201 and Porch thing Absolute garbage
Here's a coconut for inspiration. *hands over coconut
Can it be Emma Lahana?
Porch day $201.50 We already have some memes.