Just curious to see what overwatch hero is everyones favorite. I personally like Pharah. Tell me your reasons and if you picked other, tell me why.
[spoiler]Im betting McCree/Genji will get the most votes[/spoiler]
I LOVE playing as Ana.
Reaper all the way
In terms of the game's fluff: Mcree and Solider 76. In terms of in game performance: Winston and either Mercy or Zenyetta.
[i]Mercy. I rarely play competitive without her.[/i]
It annoys me that most people voting Genji probably just think he is cool. Me, I kick ass as him and think he is cool. I mean, he can move at mach speed, his body can withstand more pressure then s submarine, he can throw shurikan with the force of a pistol, has reflexes fast enough to stop over 10,000 bullets with a sword/wakazashi in a single second, and his sword has a spirit dragon living inside it. In layman's terms, he is a super badass.
Tracer Lucio/DVa Soldier 76 Mercy Reinhart
Edited by Reptar, King of the Ozone: 8/3/2016 1:31:52 PMMercy is my fav hero. I have 7 hours more of gameplay as her than any other character. She's a good healer and she can definitely do a lot of damage with her blaster
I love playing as Zarya. Despite roughly one third of my 120hrs being on lucio alone...
I mainly play Roadhog and Lucio, but I'm trying to learn to use Zarya and Zenyatta effectively.
I hate playing support, but im a great Lucio.
Master Chief
[spoiler]Nerf This[/spoiler]
I'm surprisingly good with junkrat, just feels too trolly that I can use his mine like you used C4 in MW3
Roadhog. I love ruining the day of every 200 HP hero I come across.
I would pick Genji because who wouldn't want to be a super cool ninja robot that can deflect bullets and use the power of a dragon with his sword.
Reaper his teleport makes it easy for me to flank when i have a good team
Junkrat can get some crazy kills when combined with a zarya
[spoiler]Lúcio[/spoiler] [spoiler]master[/spoiler] [spoiler]race[/spoiler]
Zarya, hands down
Where's my edgelord at?
Reaper...Double shotties for days