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7/28/2016 3:00:53 AM

I sincerely hope Congress makes Hillary's presidency a living hell.

I hope every republican just filibusters everything she proposes. We can allow her to be president but that doesn't mean we should let her pass anything. If she wins republicans need to stop any and everything she proposes. And rip up every executive order she writes. Those don't have to be obeyed like normal laws do. Screw her. I understand why people don't want Trump but that doesn't mean let's allow hillary to do what she wants. It's up to us to keep her in check. So during these next 4 years, please keep up with the news and call her out on her bullshit when you see it!

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  • There are options other than trump and Hillary. Of course I'd never yell "vote for this guy" so instead I'd ask you do research on them and then decide if they are closer to what you would want in a president. Check out Gary Johnson. Kinda like a Bernie Sanders that wants to leave your wallet alone

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