The reason i began to think about this was when i was reading the pilot servitor grimore card.
[quote]Their purpose was manning the flight of various Fallen ships, from crew transports to massive war-barges.[/quote]
Massive war barges? Barges are classified as a form of transportation for freight. What kind of freight would the fallen be carrying. Right after reading this grimore i read the simiks-3 card. I found this
[quote]Simiks-3 was uniquely equipped to process and store huge amounts of intel between itself and a chain of nearby Servitors.[/quote]
From what i can tell from servitors is that most of them are connected, like a vast web. This information could be used for creating something from technology they dont currently have accsess to. I then read the servitor grimore, and stumbled across this
[quote]They may play a key role in Fallen star flight. [/quote]
The fallen may have a hidden agenda, as said in the title of this discussion. Possibly figuring out a way for very deep space travel. Maybe there is something out they are trying to find, or they are just trying to return home, but cant with just there ketchs. What could be out there stopping them from leaving with the things they have at there disposal currently.
Sorry, went a little overboard. But hey, don't blame the Warlock blame the knowledge, am I right or am I right? [url=]The Eliksni[/url] [url=]Homeworld[/url] was probably destroyed when "the Maw" or (most likely) [url=]Oryx, the King of Shapes[/url] during his chase of [url=]the Traveler[/url]. One Kell, [url=]Chelchis, Kell of Stone[/url], is said to have been in combat with Oryx. Oryx eventually won, leaving House Stone destroyed. Now that I've bored you with why they can't return, let's talk [url=]Servitors[/url]! Servitors take things in their environment, say snow or regolith (moon soil), and make it into [url=]Ether[/url] for the Eliksni around them. [url=]Pilot Servitors[/url], as you may have guessed, direct Ketches when ordered to by either Kell or Archon. But there are other Servitors with different purposes. [url=]Simiks-3[/url] was a Servitor tasked with collecting data from [url=]the Ishtar Collective[/url] and giving either lesser or (if it had no room left) give info to other Servitors. Simiks has nothing to do with travel, and Pilot Servitors are under the rule of higher-ups. The Eliksni are here only for their [url=]Great Machine[/url], or the Traveler. Nothing else. My thumbs hurt...