Man. I'm helping a friend level a new character and I have to say. I miss the ever loving shit out of Dinklebot.
Nolanbot just doesn't do it for me.
I remember clearly when this forum and everywhere else were shitting on Dinklage for his performance. His voice is much more deeper which gave off some suspense for some of the missions. North may be more accustomed to doing voice overs, but Nolan's voice doesn't successfully capture the essence of the game itself. The game's tone seemed abit dark and hollow in Y1. Now; not so much. Nolan still has one line that stood out for me though... The line were he mimicked variks's "Kill them Baaaaack" voice was pretty hilarious. Just for the record, I love Nolan North; he does some of the best voice overs in video games...just not here, not in the way it was recorded.