originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]It still doesn't explain the fact that even though he hit you with enough force to "bend his sword" which is a holy weapon, you stand up as if nothing happened.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i mean wobble. Bends slightly and gets back into shape. If i altered the blade i would say 'the blade gets bent by the sheer force'[/spoiler]
[u]It still doesn't address the fact You've taken literally no damage whatsoever.[/u]
[spoiler]my armour. Immune to sharp damage, Blunt? Ehh not so much. ughh fine. Fighting game damage model: Enabled[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I've already decided that I'm not going to fight anymore. If you have to tell me your going to tone down enough so my character can even hurt you, you need to rethink your character's strengths and weaknesses buddy.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]you know what the most ridiculous thing about my character? That my loss count triples my win count.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Want to know a fun fact? Win/loss doesn't matter. It's how you RP that counts. Don't try and pull shit like trying to show me your character's balanced by telling me his win/loss record. One shouldn't have to even take that into consideration when judging a character. I'm going to call bullshit when I see it, and that's the truth.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]i mean wobble. Bends slightly and gets back into shape. If i altered the blade i would say 'the blade gets bent by the sheer force'[/spoiler]