originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Oh, this doesn't sound good."
"[i]Not at all.[/i]"
"[u]Who are you two?[/u]"
[b]Clari, Vio and Fentis appear behind them.[/b]
Man: Damn. Sheathe your sword. Woman: but... Man: Sheathe it. *They both sheathe their blades*
"[u]You didn't answer the question.[/u]" "[i]Who are you two?[/i]"
Woman: We'd prefer not to.
"[u]Then what do you want with Cyan and Caesar?[/u]"
Woman: Simple. They are a threat to many, on both what you call the good and bad sides.
Woman: Um... Erik, explain. Man: Quite simple. Cyan is the sister of Mortar, and Mortar revolted against the ways of the Royal Underworld. Caesar did as well. We need them so we can end the rebellion. This is important because if they are not captured or killed they could kill others.
"[u]They [i]could[/i] kill others.[/u]" "Anybody [i]could[/i] kill another."
Woman: You do not understand. His brother caused the first apocalypse. Who's to say that they won't cause another?
"[u]It's a [i]possibility.[/i][/u]" "[i]That it [/i]might [i]happen.[/i]" "Some time before we all die."
Man: You three are strange
"Your face is strange." "[i]That burn, though....[/i]"
*The man sighs* Can we enter or what?
"[u]Nope.[/u]" "[i]Nada.[/i]" "If your goal is to kill Caesar and Cyan, then definitely not."
Woman: I didn't want to do this, but... *The woman unsheathes her blade, and readies it a second before lunging at Vio*
[b]As the woman's blade touches Vio, she fades into nonexistence, appearing behind her, and slamming a fist on her back as she lunges.[/b]
*The woman jumps back and the man grabs her, slamming her to the ground*
[b]Clari rushes, and slams into the man.[/b]
*The woman stabs at Clari's thigh before she can*
[b]Fentis forms a bow of ice in his hand, and uses his broadsword as an arrow, firing at the woman.[/b]
*The woman seems to slice the sword in half with her blade, and she lunges at Fentis. The man goes for Clari.*