originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]The challenger swiftly dodges, then unleashes a series of wide, arcing slashes.[/b]
[b]The woman moves backwards, avoiding the swings [/b]
[b]The challenger suddenly stops.[/b]
[b]The woman stabs forward[/b]
[b]The challenger sidesteps the stab, then maneuvers to disarm her attacker.[/b]
[b]The attack steps to the side, out of the way of the potential disarm [/b]
[b]In the blink of an eye, the challenger brings her sword down on the woman:[/b]
[b]The sword gets stuck in the woman's shoulder and she stabs at the challenger [/b]
[b]Without hesitation, the challenger abandons her weapon, dodges the attack, then unleashes a flurry of punches.[/b]