"I dont know but we need to hide one of them is heading this way" she whispers [i]she hides inside a large hollow out tree that big enough to hide two people. The strange figures footsteps can be heard getting closer [/i]
Bramd - old
*Cyan hides behind a large collection of bushes and mouths "What the hell"* -
[i]serenity mouths "i have no idea".[/i] [i]the figure stops in front where serenity hiding she cant see its face cause its covered but it looks down at wrist what looks like some strange watch then it looks up and removes it hood. It a woman with purple hair and purple eyes sighs touching one the plants nearby. It grows aggressively turning into vines that go in all directions to serenity horror one them wraps around her legs as another does the same to cyan [/i] "Found you "the woman says [i]you then both dragged from hiding by the vines towards the woman. [/i]
Bramd - old
Damn. *Cyan forms a dagger and quickly cuts herself free, then stands up and walks into view* Well, there's no use hiding anymore. Who the hell are you? -
"One our race is here we are looking for her on behalf the queen Vivian"says the woman
Bramd - old
Oh, interesting. How'd she get here anyway? *Cyan thinks about all the people she knows and finds one person that matches that description* *Sylvie* -
"She was sent here after the king her father order to have her mind wiped clean so she live a normal life without having remember the horrors that befell the planet that she called home"says the woman
Bramd - old
*Cyan nods a little* I think I know where she is... -
"Hey im still here ya know"says serenity whos been still wrapped in vines from the legs down who is laying in the dirt "Can you take us to her? And hang on"says the woman [i]she touches the plant that grew the vines and it releases her legs[/i]
Bramd - old
I think I could, she's at a friend's house. *Cyan begins walking in the direction of Mia's house* -
[i]it doesn't long for you to get to her house. But the time you do mia standing there[/i]
Bramd - old
Oh, hey Mia. *Cyan walks up to her* Do you know where Sylvie is? -
"Yes she's sleeping right now and who that woman"says mia [i]mia is standing there with hair down wearing black pjs[/i]
Bramd - old
Um... Someone picking up Sylvie -
"Im not gonna her wake she is sleepy so its a no that they will have wait until she wakes"says mia
Bramd - old
*Cyan nods* Of course. *She turns to the visitors* You mind waiting it out a little so she can wake up? -
"Yes we can"says the woman
Bramd - old
Alright then. *Cyan jumps into a tree and begins to rest* -
[i]they sit down and wait[/i]
Bramd - old
*Fast forward a few hours*