This has been killing he ever since I created my character. I love exos and how they look but man my exo is just one ugly mug... I and many of my friends who also regret customizing their guardian the way they did want to suggest adding a way that us guardians can change how we look. Now let me say one thing.... DO NOT MAKE THIS A MICROTRANSACTION! That would cause a large amount of distrust in your company and uproar amoung the community, and I'm only guessing you don't want that... Neither do we... But what we do want is for you guys to add some sort of barbershop in the tower so that people who created a mess of a guardian can have that second look over.
I would love your feedback as well Bungie and if this happens to get implemented I would do a small victory dance and post it on YouTube.
Also people of the community looking at this post any feedback would be appreciated even kys comments although those will be ignored.
This has been TwistedFortunes and peace out guys
My hunter needs a haircut bad. it'd be nice if he could get a nice cut to remove that old pony tail.