I've been seeing a resurface of people (mostly huntards) starting to cry about shoulder charge (again). So what's wrong with it this time? Is it the fact that you see a Titan run towards you thinking he's going to give you a hug? Is it that you have to think a half hour before you shoot the Titan running towards you? Yes it one shots you, but he needs to be next to you in order to do that. Guess what can (usually) one shot someone beside you: shot guns.
Or another idea is to just not be so salty
Shoulder charge is not OP. It's just annoying when you have a titan trying to SC you and you kill him just to run around the corner with your shotgun and get shoulder charged. And then you redrawn and head for B because a defender bubble is on it And you think you can get rid of it with a nova bomb but before you get there you see something on your radar so you take out your shotgun (by the way there are too many people saying that you should watch your radar if you want to avoid SC but it's not always going to be a SC titan. And if you have a sniper then you can't kill him fast enough unless you pull of an epic no scope head shot but that's highly unlikely. People say to just use a shotgun but maybe I don't want to have to always use a shotgun in order to counter a SC titan) but before you can kill him he SC you. SC is just so overused. On some maps it's juggernought, on others it's SC. I had so many gramatical errors and I had practiccaly no punctuation.