originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*He turns to Smough.*
"Yeah... Remember alcohol day when we kissed? I seem to remember you cheering in the background... Well she agreed to be my girlfriend basically right after that... Anyways... WHO ARE YOU, WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE AND WHY'D YA TRY TO SHOOT MAH GIRLFRIEND!!!"
"Huh. Congrats, I guess." [i]"WARNING-SELF DESTRUCT SEQUENCE ACTIVATED."[/i] [b]The Assaultron's head starts spinning rapidly as a nuke inside of its chest is revealed.[/b] [i]"Surprise mother-blam!-ers! NUCLEAR DETONATION IN 5... 4... 3... 2... [b]1...[/b][/i] "GET DOWN!" [b]Nothing happens.[/b]
[b]Was that supposed to explode and kill us all or something...[/b] "If it was then it clearly didn't do it right..."
[i]"...Shit."[/i] "Oh. Huh. I think it was. Maybe."
*Sketch starts violently shaking the assaultron.* "WHO ARE YOU, WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE AND WHY DID YOU JUST TRY TO SHOOT MY GIRLFRIEND THEN BLOW HER UP?!?!?!?!?! ANSWER MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"
[i]"CHILL OUT."[/i]
"You chill out!!!"
[i]"I am."[/i]
"Then answer me!!!"
[i]"Uh...I came around here to BLOW SHIT UP but then, there was this lady with tea! And I gave up BLOWING SHIT UP so yeah. My designation was WA-18. I wonder why."[/i]
"I have no idea what you are talking about..."
[i]"Think her name was...Maya! Yeah. I think...hold on..."[/i]
"Maya? But she joined after me and I don't remember you..."
[i]"...Yeah, it was Maya. I think...yeah. Oh, and Tubbs...and Mortar. Huh."[/i]
"But... How did I miss you then???" *Both Sketch and Leyla look confused.*
[i]"Hell if I know...I'm just a robot. Hell, a man trapped inside a lady robot's body...damnit."[/i]
[b]You don't really look female to me...[/b]
[i]"The original Assaultrons were supposedly female...it was a joke."[/i]
[b]But you aren't designed to be female...[/b] "It's not a very good joke..."
[i]"Ugh. Should I go back to being loud?"[/i] "No. Stay quiet please."
[b]Now... Are you done trying to kill us or are you going to keep trying to if we let you run around here without supervision?[/b]
[i]"...Well...I guess I'm good..."[/i]
"Are you absolutely sure?"
*Sketch let's go of the assaultron and Leyla steps away from the door, leaving it open.*
[i]"So, um..."[/i]