originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]"Hell if I know...I'm just a robot. Hell, a man trapped inside a lady robot's body...damnit."[/i]
[b]You don't really look female to me...[/b]
[i]"The original Assaultrons were supposedly female...it was a joke."[/i]
[b]But you aren't designed to be female...[/b] "It's not a very good joke..."
[i]"Ugh. Should I go back to being loud?"[/i] "No. Stay quiet please."
[b]Now... Are you done trying to kill us or are you going to keep trying to if we let you run around here without supervision?[/b]
[i]"...Well...I guess I'm good..."[/i]
"Are you absolutely sure?"
*Sketch let's go of the assaultron and Leyla steps away from the door, leaving it open.*
[i]"So, um..."[/i]
[i]"I don't know what to do now."[/i]
[b]Exit the house please... I don't like possibly getting shot...[/b]
[i]"Hmm. Fine..."[/i] [b]It leaves.[/b] "Well...that was nice."
"I have a slight feeling we have made a terrible mistake letting him go..." [b]Mhm...[/b]