30% of people either aren't aware or they lack the ability to get a close range kill.
If you can kill a shotgunner rushing at you, you can kill a Shoulder Charge.
[spoiler]They're probably the same people complaining about shotguns still now that I think about it.[/spoiler]
I think the recent upset might be linked to the recent rise of red bars. Can't tell you how many times I have killed a charging titan only to be killed by SC after he dies. Because its an instakill it infuriates knowing you really shouldn't be dead
if 4 bursts that hit a shotgunner don't kill the shotgunner because primary weapons are too weak, those weapons will also be unable to stop a shoulder charger*
And if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.
[quote]And if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.[/quote] He's right, you know.
You win... I'm done with puns for tonight, you win the internet