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8/1/2016 3:38:06 AM

Fabian Strategy v.2



Disagree + Why


Fabian strategy is the the Titan rank 3 exotic from the gunsmith. However even though the Fabian strategy looks like it should be on the front lines mowing enemies down, it lacks the perks to do so. It has a fairly high rate of fire and low impact with an average stability as compared to the god tier auto rifles. Here is how I think the Fabian Strategy can be changed so it can be more useful to guardians again: Change the Rate of Fire to a low to average Rate of fire Increase the Impact Increase the Stability a bit Exotic perk: Stand and Deliver: when aiming down sights you cannot move but get a slightly upgraded juggernaut shield Keep the same scopes Individual perk 1: Persistence Selectable perks: Fitted stock Light weight Flared magwell Individual perk 2: Resupply: when firing this weapon and getting to 5 bullets left in the magazine, your magazine is refilled from your reserves. This is just my opinion but I think this is balanced and will give this gun love in both pvp and pve. Feel free to voice your opinion and give feedback on others but do be nice to each other. Hope you all enjoyed! See ya Guardians!

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    If anyone has seen jmp doublexs "buff primaries" video I think his suggestion for Fabian strategy is better than this one tbh no hate

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  • just give it explosive rounds.

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  • Edited by StarSol: 8/3/2016 4:08:35 AM
    This gun needs some serious love. Buff the Fabian Strategy. The hunters and Warlocks get their uniqueness. Don't be afraid to give titans some mad health shields damage. We don't have blink or stealth. Our supers aren't that great. Trigger this gun at further range too. This isn't middle earth battle range with shields and Spears. These are guns! Even civil war guns were used at further range than what this triggers! front lines for a gun distance, not a dagger or spear. Buff this. Most useless gun. Clip size sucks too. Kicks too much. It's like nothing more than an inverse focus fire perk. Garbage.

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    • I think it should be buffed but I disagree with your first main perk

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    • I dont agree sorry dont rage at me. I like the current exotic perk and yes i do agree it needs to be improved. I think it just needs increased stability when the exotic perk is triggered(when it starts to shoot like DOP). The mag size should be increased to 60 as well and base range and stability needs a buff. The base stabilty and range need a slight buff when firing out of the range the exotic triggers. Thats all the gun needs tbh increased mag size, increased stability when exotic perk triggers abd increased base stability and range when its firing regularly.

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    • Good idea, considering how crap the gun is. I think that second perk might make it too much though. Here's my thoughts for a couple tweaks to make things a bit more balanced. Perk 1; like the shield idea. Keep that, but make it about half the size of the juggernaut shield, and cover from head to gun. This gives the shield purpose, covers the critical spot, but doesn't make the Guardian too hard to kill. Also, instead of rooting the Guardian, maybe make it so the shield activates after standing still for 2 seconds (no steps, but turning is fine.) Alternatively, make it a perk more like the ram's, and just have it increase armor. Perk 2;good idea. Fits this gun well, but again a bit much. I think something more like bad juju, except have it pull ammo out of your reserves instead of regenerating it. As for the rof,i think with those perks it should stay where it's at. Just my thoughts, take them how you will

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    • Edited by Sir Reese30: 8/1/2016 3:56:40 AM
      I just dont like it sorry

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    • Your entitled to your opinions bro but this idea is stupid. 100% of people who see your post disagree with you as for there reason I have no idea. But mine is its fine for pve but not pvp since auto rifles suck there anyways an that's what alot of people want to use it for an y'all are just shit out of luck. so you have a good idea for a different gun or exotic but not to replace the Fabian strategy because you an everyone else want to have it for pvp crucible.

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