[u]In in instant, the arrows are stopped. They are forced together, then crushed.[/u] "COME OUT, COWARD! LET THYSELF BE JUDGED BY THE BULLET, AND FEEL MARCUS'S EMBRACE!
Fine. *The gate opens to reveal Crossbow, firing a holy arrow at him, one that cannot be destroyed normally*
[u]As the arrow flies towards him, he steps to the right, seemingly dragged by an unknown force. Seven syringes fall from his hand, empty of what liquid was stored in such. His veins bulge and glow, filled with unknown chemicals. His eyes glow from under his mask a menacing green, power seemingly flowing from him. The guns attached to his body unstrap themselves, loaded and cocked.[/u] "You made a mistake attacking one so close to the god of his people." [u]The guns float around him being taken apart and put back together by an unknown force.[/u]