We could go back and forth on this all day, or you could take a moment and do us both a favor...
Google 180° angle.
What's it look like to you?
A straight line?
Or you could read what I put it before. *gasp*
That's besides the point here. I said a 180° angle is a straight line, which it is. You, like an idiot, tried to contradict that. Your response?
Lol. "That's besides the point." Really? Bet you're looking as amazed as Hillary Clinton when she sees balloons. XD
As an 8th Grader in Algebra One, A 180* Angle is a straight line!! How to Prove this: Draw a circle. Divide it into equal fourths. Write (Top,Right, Bottom, left) 0 AND 360, 90, 180, 270. These, as a aviation expert, are called "degrees". They show you what direction your facing, also used as a protractor. For instance, 0 is North, 90 is East, 180 is south, 270 is west, and 360 is North. Now, take a random number from this chart. (90,180,0,360,270)Subtract another number, and take that numbers absolute value (The distance between that number and 0) and remember that number. What can be proven? Numbers adjacent to each other are ALWAYS equal to 90, (unless its 360-90 or 0-270, but 0 and 360 are the same cardinal degree, so thats why the numbers are confusing here.) and numbers opposite another are ALWAYS equal to 180. (These numbers are the angle. I.e, 180 is a 180degree angle)Now, connect those two numbers using a line. The angle is 180, and the line you draw is straight!! This can only be explained by ONE reason!! A 180 Degree angle IS A STRAIGHT LINE!! *Gasp!
Do you always but in on things you aren't welcome in? Read the entire conversation numbnuts. #TrollinATroll
Well I'm Just trying to make people like you smarter, because you obviously needed it. You brought stupidity to the forum, and you expect people to not say the right answer, just because they arent welcome? Dude, its a public forum, so of COURSE people are going to say the right answer. Your inability to know the simple lesson of angles, and you're failure to believe i'm correct, and the other people are correct, iskind of pathetic. Instead you insist on calling them dumb, and being ignorant. Also , if im trying to get attention, and you arent, why are you using youre own stupidity for attention? Obviously that's what's thats going.
You still don't get it do you? It was a troll fight you stupid ignorant attention-seeking dumbass. Do you get it yet????????
You're using trolling to cover your own stupidity if it was a troll it would at least make sense
....or you could read the end of his & my messages. Careful..... Don't hurt yourself....
As an 8th Grader in Algebra One, A 180* Angle is a straight line!! How to Prove this: Draw a circle. Divide it into equal fourths. Write (Top,Right, Bottom, left) 0 AND 360, 90, 180, 270. These, as a aviation expert, are called "degrees". They show you what direction your facing, also used as a protractor. For instance, 0 is North, 90 is East, 180 is south, 270 is west, and 360 is North. Now, take a random number from this chart. (90,180,0,360,270)Subtract another number, and take that numbers absolute value (The distance between that number and 0) and remember that number. What can be proven? Numbers adjacent to each other are ALWAYS equal to 90, (unless its 360-90 or 0-270, but 0 and 360 are the same cardinal degree, so thats why the numbers are confusing here.) and numbers opposite another are ALWAYS equal to 180. (These numbers are the angle. I.e, 180 is a 180degree angle)Now, connect those two numbers using a line. The angle is 180, and the line you draw is straight!! This can only be explained by ONE reason!! A 180 Degree angle IS A STRAIGHT LINE!! *Gasp!