originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b][i][u]RIP Omnus....[/u][/i][/b]
[b]In the forest surround the dojo, there lay the body of Omnus. He was still alive, however unconscious. A bullet wound could be seen obviously inside his chest, where his heart would be. However, the bullet had hit Omnus's soulsteel heart, and he was still alive. However, he was slowly bleeding out.
Best drag him back to the dojo before he dies. Up to you.[/b]
[spoiler]What you do here could affect Omnus's life permanently. No magic regrowth shit.
The first person that replies will he the person that affects Omnus's life. The rest are just there for the story.
Well that's nice
"Anything else?"
Nothing really, oh, wait. What's With the cave?
"Oh. That. Well. I was testing out my atomic bomb cannon." [spoiler]I thought you were gonna ask about who shot him and stuff[/spoiler]
Damn... Strange. One last thing, do you know who shot you?
"Oh. Some crazy druggie with a gun. He kept screaming "praise the bullet" or something like that. Marcus Munitions? What the hell is that?"
Oh that asshole. Why was he doing that? Eh, he's drunk probably
"I almost died there. The bullet was aimed for my lungs, but I did some quick calculations, and moved myself so the bullet would hit my heart. He would think me dead, and would leave me alone."
That's smart... Ish...
[b]He shrugs.[/b] "Only way to live."
True. Unless someone didn't come along and drag you here
[b]He sighs.[/b] "That... was pure luck."
Probably. I don't believe in luck, I believe in what happens in the moment. Though I occasionally think about what I'm doing with my life
"Huh. That's one better than me. I've died before, so I really don't know what I'm doing now...."
Really? How?
"How did I die? Ombot killed me."
How did Ombot do that?
"So, Iza...got anything to do?" [i]"Just some dr...oh -blam!-."[/i] "Wha...oh. Oh shit..." [b]Smough and Iza immediately run towards Omnus, Iza looking down at him.[/b] [i]"-blam!-...what really hell happened?!"[/i] "We need to get him somewhere. NOW." [b]Smough picks up Omnus, taking him into the Dojo.[/b]
[b]The bullet wound bleeds heavily, spilling all over Omnus's chest. Meanwhile, a large, grey wolf appears from the shrubbery, smelling the blood and death. It growls, and seems to want to eat the dying body.[/b]
"Iza. You gotta take em." [i]"Wha...what?!"[/i] "Just...go!" [b]Smough quickly hands Omnus over to Iza, who runs towards the Dojo with the cyborg as fast as she can.[/b] [b]Smough follows the two, but watches the wolf, murmuring.[/b]
[b]The wolf rushes at Iza with ridiculous speed for its size, and tackles her outside the dojo entrance.[/b]
[b]Iza drops Omnus, but draws her revolver and presses it against the wolf, firing several times. [/b]
[b]It falls, dead. However, a flock of vultures was attracted by the noise, and see the dying body. They descend, and begin to peck at Omnus.[/b]
[b]Iza shoots at the vultures as well, before picking up Omnus again and carrying him into the Dojo. Smough is following them.[/b]
[b]They make it safely inside the dojo, however they still have the issue of Omnus bleeding to death.[/b]