originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[u]Yes, something is... And Sketch is just off in the villages buying a few things...[/u]
"Okay, I was worried he might have gone mental. Like that one t-never mind. What's wrong?"
[u]Hold on... What one time?[/u]
"Uh... n-nothing. What's going on?"
Edited by Skatch142: 8/2/2016 4:29:34 AM*She gives you a strange look but it quickly changes back into a sad one.* [u]Anyways... I, I just don't really feel like I have a purpose here... All I really did was either train or hang out with Sketch, occasionally wandering around and talking to people on my own... But since Leyla got together with Sketch on Alcohol Day, they've been spending a lot more time together and less time with me... I've come to realize that Sketch does so much for this place, he protects it, he tries to help the people here with really any of their issues... But what do I do? I punch things...[/u]
"Hey, you do a lot for Sketch by just being there. He would be really sad if you were to disappear."
[u]Yeah, I guess you're right... But he doesn't really seem to need me that much because he seems like he's finally happy whenever he is around Leyla... I couldn't really help him feel better in the first place anyways. I don't want to be that sort of person who just follows him around, basically being his sidekick...[/u] [spoiler]Also, what "Time" we're you talking about?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]When Sapphire went cuckoo.[/spoiler] "So, basically, you're looking for somebody to be important to. Yeah?"
Edited by Skatch142: 8/2/2016 4:45:01 AM[u]Well, um... Not somebody specifically...[/u] *She looks slightly embarrassed when you ask that.* *Thinking [u]Was she suggesting I get a boyfriend?[/u] [u]I mean, I want to feel like I do something good for this place... Like I help the people who live here...[/u] [spoiler]That is just a normal thing that happens to both Sapphire and Sketch...[/spoiler]
[b]A glint appears in Theresa's eyes, and she smiles slightly[/b] "I know somebody whom you seem [i]very[/i] important to."
[b]She's grinning now.[/b] "I don't know, should I tell you who?"
[u]Um... Uh... Yes, please?[/u]
"Fentis has been talking about you a lot lately...." [b]She laughs.[/b] "Oh, I wasn't supposed to tell you that. But I couldn't resist...." [b]Fentis is a few hundred yards away, arguing with Vio and Clari about something or the other. He looks pissed.[/b]
*She turns and looks at him then back at Theresa.* [u]Um, are-are you sure?[/u]
"One hundred and one percent." [b]Fentis looked over at the two of them, saw Sapphire, and blushed, turning back to the argument.[/b]
Edited by Skatch142: 8/2/2016 7:00:23 AM[u]Hmmm... I think I'll see what's going on... Thanks...[/u] *She walks over to where Fentis , Vio and Clari are arguing.* [u]Hey, what's going on?[/u] *Sapphire looks at Fentis and smiles a little. *
[b]Fentis blushes slightly, while Clari turns.[/b] "Vio decided to be a complete jackass and steal my stuff." "[i]I didn't steal your scythe! I promise![/i]" "Yes, you did!"
[u]Hold on... Did you seeg the scythe with her or is it just missing?[/u]
"The scythe is gone! Uuuurrrrghhh! I know it was Vio, she was the first one to ask me what was wrong!" "[i]Oh my god, there's no proof![/i]" "[u]You guys should really calm down... I thought I saw the scythe in Omnus's room....[/u]" [b]Fentis eyes Sapphire out of the corner of his eye.[/b]
[u]Clari, if she asked you what was wrong first than that just means she probably cares. If I had stolen something, I would want to stay away from whoever it by belongs to... You two seem to ignore Fentis quite often though, maybe we should check Omnus' room...[/u] *She notices he's eyeing her but acts like she doesn't. *
"[u]They do that a lo-[/u]" "Well, that's because nobody cares about Fentis." "[i]Rude, Clare.[/i]"
[u]Clare! People care about Fentis!! Now lets go search Omnus' room!!![/u] *She seemed to get a little too angry about Clare saying nobody cares about Fentis.*
[b]Fentis smiled slightly, and Clari grumbled.[/b] "[u]Yeah... let's go.[/u]" "[i]Alright, it's a lead....[/i]" "Hnnnnggggggg...."
*Sapphire follows them to Omnus' room, walking next to Fentis.*
Edited by Diase: 8/2/2016 1:57:16 PM[b]Fentis blushes.[/b] "[u]Hey... uh... sorry about this....[/u]"