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Edited by NobodyJustBrad: 8/16/2016 8:35:44 PM

(Megathread) Rise of Iron Information! [Updated August 16th]

Good day fellow Guardians! Below, I have a TON of official info from Game Informer's September 2016 issue! [url=]Game Informer Hub[/url] I would GREATLY love to hear your thoughts about this in my stream! I have more detailed info to share here as well. [url][/url] ***I am also giving away TWO (2) more copies of Rise of Iron (either console) soon. Type !giveaway in the Twitch chat for more info!*** [b]Due to character limitations, I have split this post to ensure all information will be covered. Please see the linked posts below for moved Topics.[/b] [u][b][i]RELATED POSTS[/i][/b][/u] * [url=]Gear Thread[/url] * [url=]Media Galleries[/url] * [url=]Crucible Thread[/url] [u][b][i]DETAILS[/i][/b][/u] [u][b]Miscellaneous[/b][/u] - Xbox One [url=]Digital Pre-Orders[/url] are available! (Must be logged in to order) - Release date: September 20th, 2016 - Level cap stays at 40 - New max Light is 385, Hard Mode Raid release "some weeks after launch" increases light to 400 - [url=]Efrideet[/url] confirmed to still be alive. Will be an important character. More info on her soon after RoI release. - * Destiny is now on [url=]MLG Gamebattles[/url] [u][b]Interface[/b][/u] - * [url=]Clan Rosters[/url] [u][b]Environment[/b][/u] - New Social Space: Felwinter's Peak [spoiler]- Secret area inside - [url=]Bells to ring[/url][/spoiler] - [url=]Axe[/url] & [url=]Shock Cannon[/url] Relics [spoiler]- Axe Relics use Ammo - Axe Ammo regenerates with light attacks, drains ammo with heavy attacks. When above a certain ammo threshold, deals double damage.[/spoiler] - False chests that present a danger when opened - SIVA Clusters to collect (Like Clacified Fragments) - More Dead Ghosts to find [u][b]Activities[/b][/u] - 5 campaign missions, plus additional missions - Campaign will have you fight to [url=]secure Felwinter's Peak[/url] before it becomes a Social Space - New [url=]"The Wretched Eye" Strike[/url] unlocked after completing a quest [spoiler]Varies each time you play it. Each playthrough opens different doors spawning varied enemies. Boss seems inspired by [i]Frankenstein[/i].[/spoiler] - Two other strikes refreshed [spoiler]- "Devil's Lair" Strike: [url=]Sepiks Perfected[/url] with SIVA enemies and new story thread and dialogue. - "Summoning Pits" Strike becomes "Abomination Heist", with a far more threatening encounter.[/spoiler] - Strike-specific loot easier to collect [spoiler]Strike Playlists and Nightfalls can drop a "Skeleton Key". This key is used to unlock a "Strike Hoard" that spawns at the conclusion of any strike. Guaranteed to drop a Strike-specific loot item for that Strike.[/spoiler] - New Arena "[url=]Archon's Forge[/url]" [spoiler]Utilizing Court of Oryx-like summoning system, pits Guardian Fireteams in a 5-minute, wave-based encounter. Culminates into boss battle that drops exclusive Forge loot.[/spoiler] - New zone "Plaguelands": high level patrol zone south of the Cosmodrome - [url=]"Wrath of the Machine" Raid[/url] [spoiler]- A continuation of the main story, focusing on SIVA and the Devil Splicers - Focuses on constant mobility - [url=]DEATH ZAMBONI[/url] !!! - Numerous outdoor encounters - Opens September 23rd - Chief theme is "collision or 'smashing shit against other shit' "[/spoiler] [u][b]Enemies[/b][/u] - Enemy behaviors and appearances teased [spoiler]- [url=]Splicer Dregs[/url]: mechanical peg legs and throw SIVA-powered grenades. Upon death, a seeking energy projectile erupts from the body - Vandals: berserk mode similar to Ogres, where they recharge health and charge towards the Guardians - Shock rifles no longer seek, but instead travel at much faster velocity - Wire Rifles now fire a devastating triple blast - [url=]Servitors[/url] get re-skinned to appear angular - [url=]Splicer Walkers[/url] glow with red energy, firing seeking cannon shots, and summoning additional SIVA clusters[/spoiler] [u][b]Future Content Schedule[/b][/u] - October 2016: Festival of the Lost Event: new quests and masks - December 2016: Sparrow Racing League with an unnamed alternative for players who don't like racing, new maps, old maps returning If you have any links to info I may have missed, please send it to me in a Private Message.

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  • Cool!!!

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  • That's really nice, still can't play Destiny so that means it doesn't matter how nice the new expansion is I'm not buying it. So instead of telling us all the cool things you got planned, why not fix the game first? The update you pushed through to fix your beaver issue made it so multiple game consoles sharing a LAN can't join a fire team, so I buy 2 copies of Destiny and 2 Xbox ones and can't play your game,. All I get is "we are aware of this issue and are working on it" messages, you would think that as someone who is willing to spend twice as much as the average customer might get more of an answer than a robo Pat on the head.

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    10 Replies
    • Bump, Tons of new info and pictures today!

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      4 Replies
      • [quote]Good day fellow Guardians! Below, I have a TON of official info from Game Informer's September 2016 issue! [url=]Game Informer Hub[/url] I would GREATLY love to hear your thoughts about this in my stream! I have more detailed info to share here as well. [url][/url] I am usually live around 6:30 PM Central. ***I am also giving away THREE (3) copies of Rise of Iron (either console) soon. Type !giveaway in the Twitch chat for more info!*** [b]Due to character limitations, I have split this post to ensure all information will be covered. Please see the linked posts below for moved Topics.[/b] [u][b][i]RELATED POSTS[/i][/b][/u] [url=]Gear Thread[/url] * [url=]Media Galleries[/url] [u][b][i]DETAILS[/i][/b][/u] [u][b]Miscellaneous[/b][/u] - Xbox One [url=]Digital Pre-Orders[/url] are available! (Must be logged in to order) - Release date: September 20th, 2016 - Level cap stays at 40 - New max Light is 385, Hard Mode Raid release "some weeks after launch" increases light to 400 - * Efrideet confirmed to still be alive. Will be an important character. More info on her soon after RoI release. [u][b]Environment[/b][/u] - New Social Space: Felwinter's Peak [spoiler]- Secret area inside - [url=]Bells to ring[/url][/spoiler] - [url=]Axe[/url] & [url=]Shock Cannon[/url] Relics [spoiler]- Axe Relics use Ammo - Axe Ammo regenerates with light attacks, drains ammo with heavy attacks. When above a certain ammo threshold, deals double damage.[/spoiler] - False chests that present a danger when opened - SIVA Clusters to collect (Like Clacified Fragments) - More Dead Ghosts to find [u][b]Activities[/b][/u] - 5 campaign missions, plus additional missions - Campaign will have you fight to [url=]secure Felwinter's Peak[/url] before it becomes a Social Space - New "The Wretched Eye" Strike unlocked after completing a quest [spoiler]Varies each time you play it. Each playthrough opens different doors spawning varied enemies. Boss seems inspired by [i]Frankenstein[/i].[/spoiler] - Two other strikes refreshed [spoiler]- "Devil's Lair" Strike: [url=]Sepiks Perfected[/url] with SIVA enemies and new story thread and dialogue. - "Summoning Pits" Strike becomes "Abomination Heist", with a far more threatening encounter.[/spoiler] - Strike-specific loot easier to collect [spoiler]Strike Playlists and Nightfalls can drop a "Skeleton Key". This key is used to unlock a "Strike Hoard" that spawns at the conclusion of any strike. Guaranteed to drop a Strike-specific loot item for that Strike.[/spoiler] - New Arena "[url=]Archon's Forge[/url]" [spoiler]Utilizing Court of Oryx-like summoning system, pits Guardian Fireteams in a 5-minute, wave-based encounter. Culminates into boss battle that drops exclusive Forge loot.[/spoiler] - New zone "Plaguelands": high level patrol zone south of the Cosmodrome - "Wrath of the Machine" Raid [spoiler]- A continuation of the main story, focusing on SIVA and the Devil Splicers - Focuses on constant mobility - [url=]DEATH ZAMBONI[/url] !!! - Numerous outdoor encounters - Opens September 23rd - Chief theme is "collision or 'smashing shit against other shit' "[/spoiler] [u][b]Enemies[/b][/u] - Enemy behaviors and appearances teased [spoiler]- [url=]Splicer Dregs[/url]: mechanical peg legs and throw SIVA-powered grenades. Upon death, a seeking energy projectile erupts from the body - Vandals: berserk mode similar to Ogres, where they recharge health and charge towards the Guardians - Shock rifles no longer seek, but instead travel at much faster velocity - Wire Rifles now fire a devastating triple blast - [url=]Servitors[/url] get re-skinned to appear angular - [url=]Splicer Walkers[/url] glow with red energy, firing seeking cannon shots, and summoning additional SIVA clusters[/spoiler] [u][b]Crucible[/b][/u] - New Crucible Game Mode "[url=]Supremacy[/url]" resembles CoD Kill Confirmed, extremely short respawn times [spoiler]Three variations: - 6v6 - Inferno - Free-For-All[/spoiler] - 4 new Medium-sized Crucible Maps (3 + 1 PS-Exclusive) [spoiler]- Last Exit: Venus subway station with a cliffside, tight train tubes and tunnels, and cover-ridden outdoor area - Floating Gardens: Vex Shrine on Venus with "Vex Milk" waterfall and interior bridge - Skyline: Clovis Bray facility on Mars with a Vista overlooking the Buried City, rail car, and [url=]hologram[/url] that lights the lobby - Icarus: (PS-Exclusive) Solar-collection site on Mercury inside a large array[/spoiler] - First Iron Banner in RoI will be Supremacy - Iron Banner bounties and progression overhaul [spoiler]- No more Temper Buff, less time to get to Rank 5 in general - Alt-Character boost still in effect - IB Class Items, Shaders, and Emblems no longer increase IB rep gain - IB Bounties being reworked to be less frustrating - Completing an IB bounty gives you a piece of armor or weapon[/spoiler] - "One more major change coming to Crucible when Rise of Iron launches", no details yet. (NEWS ON THIS EXPECTED AUGUST 16TH) [spoiler]"Long-awaited feature our community has been clamoring for"[/spoiler] [u][b]Future Content Schedule[/b][/u] - October 2016: Festival of the Lost Event: new quests and masks - December 2016: Sparrow Racing League with an unnamed alternative for players who don't like racing, new maps, old maps returning If you have any links to info I may have missed, please send it to me in a Private Message.[/quote] Nice job

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        • Bump

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        • I think I already said this I don't remember but thanks for doing this!

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          • TBH, I'm still more excited for skyrim remastered. I agree that the amount of content you will be getting for $30.00 is pretty fair. But it still appears to be a continuation of the TTK model. Sure G-horn, Thorn, etc. are coming back. New Khovstov looks cool. But where are the endgame guns that are going to make you go "HOLY @#$@#$!!!!" when you first shoot them- and make you scream that in a good way?! Where is the loot that is going to make you scream and throw your headset and dance around like the silly gamer geeks we are when we get it? Moments like this.... [url][/url] Yes, RNGesus was BRUTAL in Y1. Yes, many players ground their butts off and didn't get one. But the fact of the matter is that for those that did, this is is the kind of joy the drop brought. And if Bungie didn't keep making things obsolete, we can have that Y1 system again, because on a long enough timeline, people SHOULD eventually get one of those guns. I don't want to hear arguments about it becoming LFG requirements. People ALWAYS have LFG requirements. They just change with times (LL335 + ToM/Spindle + Oryx Challenge Emblem ring a bell?). Bottom line, we need some incredible loot to chase again. The kind of loot that will make us scream like little girls when we get it. The kind of loot that will greatly decrease the grind in PVE when we do get it. The kind of difference-making weapon that G-horn was pre-nerf (and the kind of weapon I anticipate G-horn will not be in Y3). And it should ONLY be available through RNG. The chase for elite PVE loot is what keeps us playing PVE endgame content. I've only completed Kingsfall 12 times. It's not because I can't do it, but because there's no reason to do it after you finish all your challenge modes. The loot is trash for the most part and you can't get anything ELSE in the raid (other than raid gear) that you can't get elsewhere. So why even play it? In the time it takes to run a raid, I could run several strikes and possibly get a decent number of exotics. And even then, why play? Loot from strikes, raids, etc. They're all just going to be used for infusion fuel anyways, and most of my stuff is LL 330-335. That 5 difference in light level isn't going to make such a huge difference that it motivates me to keep playing.

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            31 Replies
            • Why did you make this? People have the Internet. They will mostly likely already know since everyone in destiny is apparently a YouTube star which means everyone already posted videos on this. This post is pointless. You wasted your time

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              39 Replies
              • Stop working on destiny 1 and just come out with destiny 2

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                3 Replies
                • I just want Thagomizers......... :'( and astrocyte verse.

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                  3 Replies
                  • "Long awaited feature"... Custom games?😂

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                    3 Replies
                    • Edited by Galactic Zones: 8/5/2016 11:52:37 AM
                      Still no optional matchmaking or in-game LFG feature. We're approaching Year 3 and they still haven't figured something out? Disappointing.

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                      4 Replies
                      • *crawls out of coffin labeled BETA PLAYER* *looks around* *sees thread* "The hype...lives on..." *preorders 12 copies*

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                        25 Replies
                        • Servitors shoot much faster

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                        • IB bounties frustrating? Is that a thing, which ones?

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                          29 Replies
                          • Edited by ECHOdoctrine: 8/6/2016 12:06:38 AM

                            Frustrated - old

                            They also just posted an article discussing the new Khvostov Exotic. I made a video for that above discussing its perks in detail and how to get it IF you prefer video format to reading. and if you enjoying reading heres the GI link: Either way I'm stoked for that gun and cant wait for Rise of Iron. I hope you guys and gals all enjoy it too and maybe if you like my stuff I'll take any support I can get LOL. [spoiler]Also about my content, I'm just doing all this for fun. Its a hobby for me and I enjoying getting better and learning Photo/Video editing and I don't monetize my stuff and make money off it. The nice thing for you is NO ads before or during my stuff. Hope you all enjoy. Thanks again Guardians [/spoiler]

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                            10 Replies
                            • Edited by ManUJ3zP: 8/4/2016 7:19:45 PM
                              I hope its custom matches / private matches and you can pick The mode The number of players Toggle if light level matters or not It would be perfect to have casual games with your buddies AND a training ground to get better at specific modes without ruining those who are trying to get a skirmish or [b]rift[/b] win in regular crucible. Imagine a custom private match where it's Elimination 1v6 Light level matters You versus an entire 6-man fireteam to make those 1v6 montages lol OR if bungie's servers could handle it: Custom match on First Light (huge moon map) [b]64 vs 64[/b] [b]Mayhem Control[/b] Oh the fun we would all have lol

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                              8 Replies
                              • Newest info says you can start the khostov exotic quest by obtaining the first peice of the weapon by finding it in a chest, or if you were smart and kept your old khostov, by dismantling it to get the first peice

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                                4 Replies
                                • [quote]- * False chests that present a danger when opened[/quote] This makes me shiver thinking of mimics from the dark souls games.

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                                  7 Replies
                                  • ROI = Reskin Our Inventory

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                                    6 Replies
                                    • Ugh all this BS from Bungie doesn't make me miss Destiny at all. I'll wait to see what RoI really turns out to be before I delete this app and am done with destiny, and Bungie, for good. Not holding my breath RoI will actually make me want to come back to Destiny.

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                                      1 Reply
                                      • Long awaited crucible feature? 60 fps dedicated servers!

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                                        10 Replies
                                        • Anyone have pictures of the full digital article? I remember last year someone posted the TTK article on imgur. They were my hero back then, I need a hero for this year.

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                                          9 Replies
                                          • The raid is coming out 23-24th of September if I am correct.

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                                            1 Reply
                                            • Calling it!! That long awaited thing we're getting is the ability to re customize our character.

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                                              6 Replies
                                              • Wait, is ROI considered year 3?.. Are we going to have to delete everything we worked for in year 2, again?!

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