Fabian strategy is the the Titan rank 3 exotic from the gunsmith. However even though the Fabian strategy looks like it should be on the front lines mowing enemies down, it lacks the perks to do so. It has a fairly high rate of fire and low impact with an average stability as compared to the god tier auto rifles.
Here is how I think the Fabian Strategy can be changed so it can be more useful to guardians again:
Change the Rate of Fire to a low to average Rate of fire
Increase the Impact
Increase the Stability a bit
Exotic perk:
Stand and Deliver: when aiming down sights you cannot move but get a slightly upgraded juggernaut shield
Keep the same scopes
Individual perk 1:
Selectable perks:
Fitted stock
Light weight
Flared magwell
Individual perk 2:
Resupply: when firing this weapon and getting to 5 bullets left in the magazine, your magazine is refilled from your reserves.
This is just my opinion but I think this is balanced and will give this gun love in both pvp and pve.
Feel free to voice your opinion and give feedback on others but do be nice to each other.
Hope you all enjoyed! See ya Guardians!
just give it explosive rounds.