Necromancy. It's a very useful magic and it can help out anyone
"Oh... Just talk to Po and you'll hear otherwise... He sort of lost control and when I stopped him he permanently went blind..."
Oh, that sucks. Either way, I've learned to control it with other magics.
"I still don't think it's a good idea... If it could be controlled with other magics then Po would have known how to do it... Just only save it for when you really need it and do NOT go too far..."
Relax, I know that already.
Don't worry I know what I'm doing
"I guess so... I just don't want anyone else here going blind..."
Yeah... I know. I'll try not to go blind
*Wit goes back underwater, looking for stuff at the bottom*
*Sketch swims under too and comes back up holding a boot.* "I got a boot!!!" [b]Yay?[/b]
*Wit resurfaces with a plethora of stones and crystals. He sifts through the stones to find good stuff* Weird. You have a... Boot?
"Not one of the best things I've found... You know my sniper rifle? I found that in here..."
Impressive. There are some crystals in here that I can use...
"Oh, what kinds?"
It's... Hard to explain. Certain quartz crystals
"Do they have something to do with magic?"
Yeah, actually
"Yeah... I heard that sometimes crystals help..."
Yeah but only certain ones
"Like what?"
Like I said, I'm looking for specific quartz crystals
"Oh, okay."