[i][u]"Very well. May the dark sigil guide thee."[/u][/i] [b]Yuria bows, then leaves. Smough and Anri are left there.[/b]
Caesar: Your thoughts guys?
[b]"...This isn't going to end well. At all...you know that Yuria is on Orn's side, right?"[/b]
I know... I didn't... *Crossbow sprints to where Iza is, leaving Caesar*
[b]"She wants this to end peacefully. Without fighting..."[/b] [b]Iza is inside of her apartment. The door is unlocked.[/b]
*Crossbow walks in, somewhat concerned* Hey... Iza... Gimme a minute... How am I... Out of breath... I have no... Lungs...
[b]The room is fairly tidy. Except for the excess syringes, pills, guns, and such. Iza is sitting at her desk, turning back to watch Crossbow.[/b] "I...don't believe we've met."
I don't believe we have. Name's Crossbow. You're Iza, right?
"Yeah...you must've heard about...Y'know."
[b]Iza sighs.[/b] "...They help me, Y'know. I need these dam things just to get energy. Just to get out of bed in the morning."
Oh, I don't have a problem. Orn does, though
"Yeah. I know."
I think I have a way to make him calm down. He's pissed that you weren't tested. So I will test you, see what ya got, and if I like it...
[spoiler]new one is up[/spoiler]
Just meet me in the courtyard as soon as possible. And in the meantime, lock up the ones you don't need now. *Cross opens your door and begins to walk out* Oh, and Iza? Watch out for Orn. He's normally a good guy, but... *before he says anything else, he starts walking to the courtyard* [spoiler]And I'll make a new post.[/spoiler]