originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Good enough...good enough. What you're doing would certainly save me some time, though. I'll..."escort" Anri and my student. Once they are far away enough...my student shall fulfill his destiny, and slay the last Unkindled. And then?"
[b]The King chuckles, drinking again.[/b]
[u]Po snaps the blade in his hand, throwing the pieces off of the cliff.[/u] "[i]I shall take my weapon back from Balthazar. He dares to use it without even knowing how to use it's power?! I will take great pleasure in ending him and retaking my rightful place in the inner circles of hell. If I had my scythe, I would have all of the inhabitants here bowing before my illustrious power.[/i]
"Heh. Agreed... As long as this battle between the Dragonslayer and the Executioner continues, our plan will be fine. However...it may be best if the Executioner is victorious, atleast for us. So that Balthazar will be defeated in combat, over Tw residence of some drugged child." [b]The King starts holding a miniature storm in his hand, playing around with it.[/b]
[u]Po nods in agreement.[/u] "[i]If he is killed, it will better our chances. Sadly, I will lose my chance for drawn out revenge, but alas, it is left up to chance.[/i] [u]Po takes out another knife, running his finger along the blade.[/u]
"I wouldn't know if any of these fools would kill him. But if they do, it helps us. Once I do my part, I will be able to tear Balthazar's soul out of wherever it will be once he dies. And go on and hand it over to you, Po. You would deserve it much more."
[u]A sickening smile makes it's way across Po as he grips the blade of the knife with excitement.[/u] "[i]Oh, the soul of the son of Bahumut... What a gift that will be for my lord and father the crow king. It will be a most glorious feeling, tearing at his very being as he watches hopelessly while his friends are made into my servants.[/i]
"Ohoho...trust me. Once Ornstein finishes off Anri for good..." [b]The King sickly chuckles.[/b] "I shouldn't spoil the surprise. That would be rude."
[u]Po laughs.[/u] "[i]I wouldn't have it any other way.[/i]"
"Yeah. Cheers." [b]The King raises his now empty glass.[/b]
Bramd - old
[spoiler]Little did they know that the spirit of Mortar was listening in. He can't talk to anyone other than Smough, but now he's determined to come back and whoop your asses.[/spoiler] -
"-blam!- off Mortar!"
Bramd - old
Nevah -