Recently I managed to get a Growlithe from one of my eggs and was excited do to Arcanine being a favorite of mine. And wanted to see what you all have hatched so far.
Edited by Kage Verix: 8/5/2016 3:46:05 PMUmm something like 2km & 5km eggs: squirtle, bulbasaur, charmander, zubat, pidgey, weedle, caterpie, mankey, ekans, growlithe, magikarp, geodude, sandshrew, pontya, weezing, poliwag, venonant, machop, staryu, meowth, bellsprout, ratatta, seel, goldeen, magnamite, tentacool, nidoran male/female & voltorb. [i](not including duplicates)[/i] 10k eggs: 3 Scyther, hitmonchan, snorlax, aerodactyl, multiple eevees, magmar, onyx, dratini, & electabuzz [i](that's all I can remember atm)[/i]