"No, I don't. You @$$holes do."
"Souls aren't related to hearts, robot."
"Well, yours is cyborg... What about the knife?"
"[i]The entirety of the soul trapped in the dagger was transported into my soulsteel.[/i]" "Ah... it's alright. Although, because you have my soul, I'll have to take up permanent residence here." "[i]Yup.[/i]"
"But the soul in the dagger was yours, cyborg... So what happened to the rest of this turkey's soul?"
Edited by Diase: 8/5/2016 8:14:02 PM"Eh? The soul in the dagger was [i]mine.[/i]"
"Then why was your soul even damaged in the first place if you still had it all?!?! Why steal someone else's soul?!?!?!"
[b]The man blinked.[/b] "Alright I'll break it down for you. I was about to die, so I stored my soul into an object. Like a Horcrux. Omnus boy found the 'Horcrux', and he stored it somewhere, knowing what it was. Somebody decided to repair his heart with it, and a bit of the 'Horcrux' took over him. He though destroying the thing would free him, like actual Horcruxes, but.... Well, the soul gave him knowledge, but it's not controlling his emotions and thoughts anymore."
"I have no idea what the f#%& you just said... Speak English! Eng-lish!"
"[i]"English" is pronounced "Ing-lish", not "Eng-lish".[/i]"
Edited by Skatch142: 8/5/2016 10:55:26 PM"F#%& you and f#%& your spelling!!!"
"Alright, anywho... seeing as this guy stole my soul, I guess I'll have to take up residence here if I don't want to go insane. So, I assume there's something I have to do to get in?"
"Most people have to fight a lieutenant to enter but I suppose it's fine for you..."
"Oh? Why is that? Can't you just fight me?" [b]He seems eager for a fight, and it's clear now why Omnus was so violent with his soul.[/b]
"I'm not sure..."
"Hm, I don't really care, lieutenant or not. I wanna fight."
"Um... Okay..."
"Sure, let's go."
"I'll follow you."
"Okay..." *Sketch heads outside to an area where all the buildings are a safe distance away.*
[b]The man draws his two swords, twirling them around their respective fingers.[/b]
*Sketch puts on his duster and summons both his swords, the blades seem to have a sort of white aura.*
"You first."
"Okay..." *He swings one of his swords towards your feet, sending a blast of air which knocks over.*