originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]kimi is wandering around in her fluffy house cat form after awhile she finds a warm sunny spot and curls up to nap. She falls asleep for couple hours. Its real easy to approach her like this but if you were to pick her who know what would happen...[/i]
"Yes and its hilarious we do or whe we both turn into cats. Then follow people and say their name when their not looking"says kimi
*She chuckles a little.* [u]That sounds hilarious...[/u]
"It is"says kimi [i]kimi chuckles[/i]
"Well im gonna head out see ya"says kimi
[u]Okay, bye.[/u]
"Yup bye" says kimi [i]kimi walks off toward her apartment turning back into a housecat once more and then scampers off[/i]