Let me give you an example: a couple of years back, The Lego Movie became hands-down my favourite film of recent years, and one of the best comedies/animations I've ever seen. It was witty, heartfelt, interesting, spectacular... Just a hilarious and wonderful blast.
Better than most superhero films, Frozen (not by a lot), Anchorman 2. Even Jurassic World, a film that made me more nostalgic than any new film before it, falls short, IMO.
It joins the likes of Return of the King, Jurassic Park, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Akira (for variety), Fantasia, etc. as one of my favourite films ever. So what's the last film that broke into your favourites ever?
For cinematography and being mind-enabling, 2001: A Space Odessy is by far my favorite movie and the best sci fi movie ever, in my opinion. For a witty comedy that I just want to watch to have a good laugh, The Boss is absolutely hilarious.