originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Guys knock it off! Did you even listen to what I just said?! Omnus you're better than this!"
"It was a cool looking body pillow. I wanted to examine its architecture." "[i]It's a -blam!-ing body pillow, what architecture?[/i]" "Eh!"
"You shouldn't go around taking people's body pillows... You don't know what they may have done to them..." *Small wakes up because of the noise and runs back into the box.* [u]YOU TWO WOKE UP SMALL!!![/u]
"[i]SAVE THE BODY PILLOW![/i]" "THAT THING COSTED HELLA LOT!" "[i]WE CAN SHARE![/i]" "Uh...." "[i]Slip of the tongue.[/i]"
*Sapphire stomps up.* [u]BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP AND GO AWAY!!![/u]
"Sorry...." "[i]Sorreh, Mama Sapphire....[/i]" "Mama Sapphire? What the...." "[i]I don't know, okay!?[/i]" "[u]Sapphire? Uh....[/u]" [b]Fentis walks up, looking extremely confused.[/b]
[u]I'm not your mama!!![/u] *She turns and sees Fentis, looking embarrassed, angry and happy to see him all at the same time.* [u]Oh, uh, hi Fentis.[/u] *She smiles.*
"[u]What's going on?[/u]" "It's time...." "[u]What?[/u]" [b]Clari, Vio, Erzon, Zeln, Theresa, and Arthur stroll up, with mischievous grins on their faces.[/b] "[i]It's time....[/i]" "[i][u]Today is the day....[/u][/i]" "[b]The day we have been waiting for....[/b]" "[b][i]The day that will most certainly never happen again....[/i][/b]" "[b][u]The day we....[/u][/b]" "[b][i][u]Go....[/u][/i][/b]" "[url=http://example.com]-blam!-in'....[/url]" "[u]Oh no....[/u]" All at once: [b][i][u][quote][url=http://example.com]CRAZY!!!! AAAAAH![/url][/quote][/u][/i][/b]
[u]Yeah, no...[/u] *She grabs Fentis and pulls him into the box to escape the others.*
"[u]Saph... I must join the insanity... for today is....[/u]" [b]He gulps.[/b] "[u]Crazy Day....[/u]"
[u]Nope![/u] *She immediately starts kissing him.* [spoiler]Love always prevails!!! Well... At least it usually does...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Crazy Day... always... prevails... o_O[/spoiler] [b]Suddenly, something changes inside Fentis... and....[/b] "[u]ABALALALLAAGAHAHSJSNS[/u]" "[b][i]AAAAHAHAHAHA[/i][/b]" "[b][u]WUD DAH FUG!?!?!?[/u][/b]" "AHAHAHAHHAHAHAH" "[i]WNAMAKANANSJSJ[/i]" Writer: Oh god, what the shit....
*Thinking [u]That always works in these Earth movies...[/u] *She punches him in the face, knocking him out.*
[b]Fentis falls unconscious.[/b] "[u][i]AHAHAHAH THAT DRAGON[/i][/u]" "[b][u]JUST GOT[/u][/b]" "[i]SO DESTROYED[/i]" "REEEEKT"
*Sapphire lifts him up and sets him on the couch then kisses him on the forehead.* [spoiler]I'd rather not deal with this... Please just have him wake up the next morning...[/spoiler]
[b]After Dojo Crazy Day, which is actually still going on right now in the writer's head, Fentis wakes up, groggy and confused.[/b] "[u]Uhh... what?[/u]"
Edited by Skatch142: 8/7/2016 3:49:36 AM*She sits down on the arm of the couch next to his head.* [u]Hey there... You went out of control there... I had to knock you out... Sorry but I didn't know if there was any other way to stop you... Is your head feelin' okay?[/u]
"[u]Uh... yeah, I think I'm fine....[/u]"
[u]Okay, good. [/u] *She smiles at him.*
"[u]Soo... uh... what now?[/u]"
[u]I don't know... I punched you in the face so the least I can do is let you decide...[/u]
"[u]Hm... we'd better check on the others....[/u]"
[u]Yeah, I guess we should...[/u]
[b]He gets up, exiting le box. The others are lying on the ground, completely passed out.[/b]
*Sketch is lying on the ground as well.* [u]Well... They seem fine... I guess?[/u]
"[u]You can never be too sure, with this folk....[/u]" [b]Suddenly, Omnus and Zyln wake up. Zyln turns his head towards Omnus slowly.[/b] "[i]You....[/i]" "NOPE!" [b]Omnus runs away, towards Fentis.[/b]