originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*She sits down on the arm of the couch next to his head.*
[u]Hey there... You went out of control there... I had to knock you out... Sorry but I didn't know if there was any other way to stop you... Is your head feelin' okay?[/u]
"I'll try not to."
[u]Th-Thank you!!![/u] *She puts her head on top of his shoulder and continues holding him close, but eventually she lets go of him and stands back, looking at the ground.* [u]I-I think you sh-should go now... Next time y-you are here f-for breakfast, lunch or di-dinner I'll have s-something for you t-to eat...[/u]
[b]At this, he shakes his head.[/b] "Thing is, Saph... I'm an ice dragon. Cooked stuff is bad for me. And I'm not letting you see me eat things raw."
[u]I said I'll ha-have something for you t-to eat... Now g-go, please...[/u]
[b]Fentis shakes his head again.[/b] "I-I'm sorry, Saph... but I have a feeling that we won't be seeing each other for a while. And it isn't related to this." [b]He turns, heading towards the door.[/b]
*She's silent as he leaves, the second he closes the door he can hear the sound of her crying even more. But just then, Sketch grabs him, lifts him up, and slams him against a tree, holding him there. His eyes have turned red.* "What did you f#%&ing do to her?!?!?!?!?!"
[b]Fentis remains calm.[/b] "Told her what kind of food I eat."
*His eyes stay red.* "SO WHAT DO YOU F#%&ING EAT?!?!?!?!?!"
"Raw meat. Lots of it." [b]He still manages to stay calm, however his insides are bursting with the instinct to fight back.[/b]
Edited by Skatch142: 8/8/2016 3:43:52 AM*Sketch may be holding him in one place and is clearly furious but he doesn't seem to actually be trying to hurt Fentis.* "You need to do SOMETHING, I don't know what! But you. Need. To. Make. This. Right! You are her first boyfriend and you are thirty times better to her than some of my friend's boyfriends and girlfriends back on Sphirinia!!! This is NOT ending now! You hear me? You are going to do something for her to make. This. RIGHT!!! I have never heard her cry like that! How can you be so calm?!"
[b]Fentis looks away slightly.[/b] "I don't know what kind of dragon Leyla is. But the dragons I know think a lot differently than Sphirinians and humans. I'm giving her time to cool down. As for why I'm so calm...." [b]For a moment, his eyes glow a bright, piercing blue.[/b] "That's just self-control."
*He seems like he is doing all he can to not bite down hon Fentis' neck.* "Time to cool down?! That's not enough!? She will stay upset about this until you do something to fix this!!! Something extremely romantic, maybe some sort of an amazing gift, possibly just do something to show how much you love her and that you [i]care[/i]!"
[b]Fentis's face hardens, showing no emotion.[/b] "[u]Get off me. [i]Now.[/i][/u]" [b]It seems as though he has reverted back to when he was general of the Legion of Dragons. Cold. Heartless. Merciless.[/b]
*Sketch drops him.* "You answer me this. DO you care about her? DO YOU?!?!?!"
"As much as I can care about anything physical, yes."
Edited by Skatch142: 8/8/2016 4:17:42 AM*She has poked her head out out of the box, but neither Sketch or Fentis have noticed.* "WELL SINCE YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT HER ENOUGH, TELL ME THIS!!! DO YOU LOVE HER?!"
"Sketch, what do you think I am? A dragon. Ice dragons age about 200 times slower than humans. It's in a dragon's nature-at least the dragons in the Legion-to not get too attached to somebody; have you seen Clare? Well, she's a little more blunt than I am. Yes, I care for Sapphire... but I'm physically unable to "love". And if I did... the pain a dragon would go through if their loved one died. Dragons aren't immortal; they experience pain like everybody else. They can't get used to it, like immortals can over millions of years. I'd like to avoid that pain. As a general in the Legion of Dragons, I cannot let emotions get the better of me; I have hundreds of people looking up to me."
Edited by Skatch142: 8/8/2016 1:07:02 PM*You hear Sapphire clearly start crying and the box slams closed.* "GET. OUT. OF. HERE. NOW!!!" *His eyes start glowing red.*
[b]Fentis turns, shaking his head.[/b] "You don't understand. You wouldn't. Sketch, this'll be the last we speak for a while. For reasons unrelated to this incident...." [b]He looks away.[/b] "Things are beginning. And they don't particularly care about a squabble between two Sphirinians and a dragon." [b]He turns, walking away.[/b]
"YOU MAKE ME F#%&ING SICK!!!" *Sketch goes back into the box to try and calm Sapphire down.* [spoiler]Exactly what IS happening? Also, fin but I'll make a new post about this in a sec...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Since my quest starting date is confirmed, there are a lot of preparations that need to be made. I'm starting those preparations today/tomorrow in posts. Maybe two posts a day.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Well, Fentis better realize what he's done because Sapphire is going to start drinking...[/spoiler]