"Yes it is but it is fun to mess with people when you have a twin though "says kimi
[u]That does seem like it could be fun... How do you mess with them?[/u]
"We answer to each names and dress completely alike.its funny too " says kimi
[u]Have you tried convincing someone there's only one of you and then scaring them because you seem to be everywhere?[/u]
"Yes and its hilarious we do or whe we both turn into cats. Then follow people and say their name when their not looking"says kimi
*She chuckles a little.* [u]That sounds hilarious...[/u]
"It is"says kimi [i]kimi chuckles[/i]
"Well im gonna head out see ya"says kimi
[u]Okay, bye.[/u]
"Yup bye" says kimi [i]kimi walks off toward her apartment turning back into a housecat once more and then scampers off[/i]