[b]Fentis turns, shaking his head.[/b] "You don't understand. You wouldn't. Sketch, this'll be the last we speak for a while. For reasons unrelated to this incident...." [b]He looks away.[/b] "Things are beginning. And they don't particularly care about a squabble between two Sphirinians and a dragon." [b]He turns, walking away.[/b]
"YOU MAKE ME F#%&ING SICK!!!" *Sketch goes back into the box to try and calm Sapphire down.* [spoiler]Exactly what IS happening? Also, fin but I'll make a new post about this in a sec...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Since my quest starting date is confirmed, there are a lot of preparations that need to be made. I'm starting those preparations today/tomorrow in posts. Maybe two posts a day.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Well, Fentis better realize what he's done because Sapphire is going to start drinking...[/spoiler]