Don't let me get close with my Uni and you won't die. ---nuff said.
I hope the wounds don't hurt too bad when they get salt on them.
Nope, I'm swimming in salt atm yay!
Everyone is salty about something. Snipers are salty about shotguns. Shotguns are salty about snipers. I got killed by this gun more than once so it must be a scrub gun. Using the UR, you will get shut down if you rush straight for someone. Using the last word, you will get shutdown if you try to battle at mid range. Both are easily counterable. Just need the right gun.
Edited by DehCanadianJedi: 8/8/2016 8:10:41 AMWhile that would be a good answer, most destiny maps favor close quarters combat where uni would be dominant, and it would be along with a sniper on slightly more open maps. Think twilight gap and thieves den. Most open areas on those maps can be dominated by the sniper and the closer ranges areas can be used by uni. It's mostly the maps fault, not the gun.
Justice Salty
I'm not exactly salty when I'm explaining one of destiny's design problems.
Edited by Acterzz: 8/8/2016 8:22:54 AMEver since they took away the bigger maps from rotation like First Light. They have supported shotguns. Literally everything else isn't up to the challenge. The thing is I only use UR on my Titan, because of 2 reasons, my Titan can close the distance the fastest between my warlock and hunter and the Titan gets an overshield with no back up plans. On my warlock and hunter I always find myself using other guns, but it also depends on the map. I can still outgun UR users with my Party Crasher +1. So it just depends on a lot of variables. You have a shotgun in primary and a sniper in secondary, but no middle range. I love using my NLB and either my Party Crasher shotgun or Queen's Choice sidearm, but the same problem occurs. No middle range gun. If we had bigger maps in rotation then the shotgun meta would fall off. Hopefully that's something they look at in ROI
Based on the initial pictures we saw of the maps in gameinformer, we're going to have more small maps... -_-
Unfortunately so... Like you said, it's the maps faults for being small. And shotguns being the viable option. Because with fusion rifles charge times and sidearms not killing before they get within kill range, shotgun are ruling the crucible.