originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]Daego walks into the dojo. He looks around before finding a place to sit down. As he sits, he starts using a touch pad on his wrist.[/i]
[i]"Interesting reaction." [/i] [b]She circles you [/b] "Merlin not now."
"Well, it's rude to not shake a hand that is offered to be shaken. Isn't it?" [i]He scratches his head as she circles him.[/i]
"Don't worry about Merlin here. She just thinks she's a big deal." [b]Merlin plucks out a hair [/b]
[i]Daego chuckles as she pulls out the hair.[/i] "Well, she sure seems like an important person."
[b]Nora sighs. Shaking her head as Merlin looks down at you [/b] [i]"I am! I served under King Arthur of Camelot. Royal of the Dight Legion." [/i]
"Oh really? What was his favorite meal?"
[i]"You say that as if I was his maid! Quite offensive." [/i] "Merlin plea-" [i]"Is this because that bloody story portrayed me as a servant?" [/i]
"Well i mean if you were that close to him you should know his habits. Any half decent guard does." [i]Daego smiles as he says that.[/i]
[i]"Guard?!"[/i] [b]She seems even more offended [/b] [i]"I'll have you-"[/i] [b]Suddenly a giant dude picks her up, walking away [/b] "She doesn't like to be questioned."
[i]Daego waves at her as the giant dude carries her away.[/i] "Yeah, i can tell."
"So Dae. What's on your hand?
"Its nothing special. I just use it to not get bored."
"But what is it?"
[i]He moves his wrist so you can see the contents of the screen. It contains what looks like a map and foreign characters.[/i] "Something i used alot in cedeyetica. Its called a tac-pad."
"That's cool."
"Yeah, it was very useful. It was used for everything."
"Well, technology wise. It cant turn into a car..."
"Of course not."
"As long as its practical, it can most likely do it."
"That's pretty darn cool."
"Certainly is useful."
[b] you see two people talking, both identical. You also see one other boy in blue[/b]