I got a Seventh Column and figured I'd share it here. Would you guys mind taking a second to like this on the creations page? Trying to get #MOTW https://www.bungie.net/en/Community/Detail?itemId=210731632 Link to the creations page
Gg man that was legit
Definitely one of the better 7th columns out there. Well done man
How do u get a 7th column ?
Respect. Shaxx shot his load watching you
On mayhem too. Shit dude.
do you know how much time you have to get those 7 kills? I didn't realize it could be done in that much time.
Noce job!
Awesome clip!! Complete destruction!!! Cheers for sharing
Nice work.
Pretty lucky none of them panic supered your ass. Or melee'd you considering that's all ever anyone ever does when I'm anywhere near them...
What SG is that?
Good job mate. It'd be nice to get games like that but I constantly get last word snipers and teams of 4-6 in mayhem thanks to sbmm, it's like let's play sweaty mayhem that sounds like fun/torture.
Just seen it on Reddit. Very nice;)
Haters gonna hate. Potatoes gonna potate. Good job!
The first time I actually cheered for a warlock..cool and entertaining. You had Old Shaxy all moist and riled up!!!
Isn't the voice actor for Shaxx that guy from the walking dead? He's so good in this. Serious hype guy.
What, you to lazy to get 2 more kills before dying...what the hell bro! Hell of a job though, nice one. 2 snaps up for whoopin' dat ass.
Epic man. Nicely done.
Impressive! I wasn't sure what I was expecting before watching this, but I wish I could play half as good as you... Besides, with warlock melee range you could just melee the enemy to death from a completely different map!!!
Edited by Deenyul: 8/9/2016 6:28:01 AMBefore I watch I'm gonna make the assumption this was on a stormcaller lol let's check it out! Edit: oh shit...nice.
Nice one. Bigging up voidwalkers, which is a nice change from the usual stormcallers or blade dancers getting 7th columns
Very well done Sir :)
From a fellow voidwalker that was awesome.