Okay look I'm not a pvp god or anything. Hella average. BUT I have games (usually in a row) where I have like 25 kills and 4 deaths. Every shot is on point. Snipes? Pssshhh hitting like a shotgun main claims snipers hit. All I can think is hot diggty damn I'm -blam!-ing killing this game. Then for about 10 games in a row i may scrape by with a crispy .10 KD. Trials? Trials? Shoot I'll smack people with 2200 Elos and then lose to people with 1400 Elos.. Blows my mind how inconsistent I am and it's absolutely nerve racking. Lol. Any one else feel my pain?
The struggle is real... that's why I grab a drink and stop caring on those "off days".
Yes very end of golgoroth challenge failed to get his gaze still crying
Oh big time. I just try not to be too serious when I'm on a low.
My hunter's kd for the last seven days is 1.1. About the same time I switched to using all blues for armor. Finishing in the top three. Go figure. Is match making by light level still a thing?
Hell is consistent.
Everyone can relate because inconsistency is a 1.0 K/D trait. Which is where Bungie tries to force the average down to.
It's hard when you have red bars, latency, teleporters, etc. They've screwed the code so much this year I think it's beyond repair.
This is me as well
Yes in Iron banner I had 1 game with a perfect 3.00 kd but next finished with .4
This sums up my pvp career in all pvp games. Not just destiny. God one game, scrub the next.
It's the connection, I know exactly what you're talking about
It's all in Bungie's data design. You get placed with great guardians, then with poor ones My inconsistency is too consistent to be unintentional.
For me, when its a beautiful sunny day outside, i play like a toe. But when its rainning and overall depressing looking outside, i play better. Also, i get better games during the evening/night but less good ones in the morning/afternoon x)
My first game is normally my best game when I get back on destiny idk why
I don't really have that issue unless I need to take a break.
Me to a T. Bottom 3 one match. Top 3 next match. I'm like which is it?
Same bro my trials kd is at a 1.52 on my main and some games I shit on kids and other games going positive is a challenge
It has nothing to do with your inconsistency, it has to do with Bungie's inconsistent SBMM.
You're not alone. My stats aren't great but they seemed to have declined since that last update or two. I'm not blaming the update by any means, but my k/d is like a roller coaster and the crucible definitely feels way more sweaty.
[quote]Snipes? Pssshhh hitting like a shotgun main claims snipers hit. [/quote] I thought I was the only one who noticed the salty shotgunners XD [spoiler]That's not to say all shotgunners are salty, just the ones that think snipers turn you into kjhovey [/spoiler]
A lot of things factor in. Connection, play styles, weapons, classes, parties, maps, and if you have a bad game it depends on how you handle the loss. I realize I get worse the angrier I get.
I go positive very consistently, I just wind up on the losing team anyway haha.
I went into Rumble one time. Pretty sure I went unbroken, and I know I got sum of all tears. I might've died two or three times, but I can't quite remember. The very next game I had a perfect 0 KD. Maybe not perfect because I died a couple dozen times, but you get the gist.
You're not alone, I think a lot has to do with the PVP being a hot mess right now. It's pretty bad, hit detection is spotty at best, and it creates scenarios where you look worse than you actually are.. Hell, I've basically had to give up on hand cannons because there is something wrong with them in the crucible, I've been point blank, crosshairs on someone's skull, pull the trigger... And NOTHING.. And they kill me...
I am super inconsistent. I have some great games, then I erase all my progress in the next two or three games. I also play worse when I'm grinding.
I started playing on a 19' monitor and I've become so much better, faster, and more consistent. I never thought it would make that huge of a difference but it has. Granted I was playing on a 55' tv before so that was horrible. Also brought my sensitivity up to 5 sometimes 6 and i feel that's helping me play better, especially in c.q.c.