Okay look I'm not a pvp god or anything. Hella average. BUT I have games (usually in a row) where I have like 25 kills and 4 deaths. Every shot is on point. Snipes? Pssshhh hitting like a shotgun main claims snipers hit. All I can think is hot diggty damn I'm -blam!-ing killing this game. Then for about 10 games in a row i may scrape by with a crispy .10 KD. Trials? Trials? Shoot I'll smack people with 2200 Elos and then lose to people with 1400 Elos.. Blows my mind how inconsistent I am and it's absolutely nerve racking. Lol. Any one else feel my pain?
Yeah man, some games I totally suck, others I only suck a little. It's the small victories.
You may just be playing too long in each session... I'm still leveling up my psn characters, but on Xbox I would limit my crucible sessions to a few hours, if I play too much, I would just end up playing recklessly after a while...
Yep o7
It's also hard to be consistent when you get put into the middle of a match on the losing side for about the 12th game in a row, TF is up with that shit bungie.
I am. Some games I'm a 4.0+ and some games I go .50 and sometimes worse. Lol
I'm always good when I first get on. If I play for a long time (3-4 hours) I'll start to play more and more shit. I'll start off hot, hitting my snipes, getting streaks, stay in alive and making plays. Good decision making. Then as I go on my games get worse and worse.
It was the best of games, it was the worst of games. I got killed by the new sheriff in town.
Ah the the sound of sweat. Just play the game and have fun.
It's not you it's the connections. Destiny matchmaking has horrible server connection and if you don't connect well you won't get hit markers. Plain and simple it's the servers.
This is why pro athletes practice everyday so they are consistent 24/7. Not saying you need to practice playing destiny just my too sense on the matter.
I feel ya. Happens a lot more to me when I switch to a different character.
I'm inconsistent cause I'm constantly doing some stupid quest or a dumb bounty lol
My kd stay above 1 most games, every sixth or eighth game I'll usually have a bad game or it will put me on a map I just don't play on well. It mostly has to do with the maps for me though.
Yeah me too, sometimes I can thread a bullet through the eye of a needle other times I can't hit a cows arse with a banjo!!
I go through the same thing. And the trials elo sheet aswell. I can't make sense of it either.
I do brother
Same. Exactly the same. I'll have a few good games one day then the next I can't get a kill to save my life lol
I have some games when I feel my guns do no damage and it takes twice as many shots to kill anything. I'm just pelting guys with bullets and they have enough time to run around every corner and always get away with 1 hp left. Those games I end up with 15 assist. And it also feels that I get one shot by everything. All the while, "green" bars all around. Then I have those rare games. The "crispy" games. The ones that I am actually surprised that someone dies when I feel they are supposed to. When I do not get killed by a shotgun blast AFTER that player disappeared into the void from my fusion rifle. When I actually can survive a few shots from weapons and escape to cover. And my melee attacks register. I like those games. But they seem to come around 1 out of 10 matches.
Lol I 100% agree!!! I either start out like a boss and after a few games of Doing well, I hit a brick wall and can't seem to move without getting instant killed. Oh and trials? I've had similar things happen, will have games where my .8 K/D just shits all over people with 1.5 plus K/D. Then lose to .7 K/D never Been flawless kids... Da FUK?? Lmao.
Destiny is the hardest game i have played to consistently go positive.
I feel your pain. I'm actually taking a break from crucible for that reason. It's too frustrating. Some games I'll dominate and others, it feels like my weapons are shooting out pillows instead of bullets
That sbmm for ya. The biggest issue i have is i come up against teams who dont play the objective so you get smashed trying to take the rift or relic or zone etc...
I think that's normal (except for people who won't admit it's normal). I've gone into daily crucibles and was a God. Other days a pin cushion.
I felt that pain but don't anymore. It's what drove me to quit months ago. Inconsistency is what ruined this game. Have a crispy few games and then struggle to stay alive long enough to even reload. Have a back to back 14/0 and 16/1 with more than one phantom in a match and start thinking the matches should be uploaded straight to YouTube... Next match go 4/12 only because I decided to seek cover and try to figure out what's happening. I tend to have more good games than bad, but how the hell do I even know how well I can actually play? Good game?... maybe I had a lag advantage. Bad game?... maybe it was all lag because I don't even have a line of sight of who's killing me half the match. Damn I love the feel of this game and so many aspects of it, but who the hell wants to waste 8 matches in one night and never know how good you actually are? There are other games out there and I am fine waiting till D2 to see if it ever gets fixed because they fail to even acknowledge it (funny how TDB and HoW never felt this bad) with each "update".
Happens all the time. Thats why i dont play pvp execpt iron banner. It's not us being bad. It's the way the game is designed.