Look at this ahmed guy shooting his Hawksaw like a Machine Gun. I'm not the one in the video but it shows here
Edit: I'm not the guy who made the video nor the person who is in PoV player
Edit: Goddamn this title worked very well. 20 Notifications in 1 day
Edit: Is This Latency or some Unexplained Bullshit?
Edit: This thread is exploding quite a bit. 34 replies in one day
Edit: I hope a Ninja doesn't take this topic down. I love you Duardo :)
[quote]Ninja Edit: [spoiler]This thread has been edited, removing the gaming account names and video of the person(s) who you stated were cheating.
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/126502065/0/0][u]Bungie takes reports and game bans VERY seriously[/u][/url], and so they carefully research those reports against their server logs for actual shenanigans (cheating/exploits). There are different options for reporting cheating directly to Bungie. There is [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12960][u]an in game report function[/u][/url] to use while still playing on your console, and there is now [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13967][u]a cheating report form[/u][/url] for you to fill out here on the website. Creating forum topics to "name and shame" alleged cheaters is not allowed, as it leads to potential harassment of the alleged cheaters.
Feel free to private message the moderator who edited your post, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/83901]Froggie,[/url] for further clarification about why this action was taken.[/spoiler][/quote]
How are we ever supposed to get these cheaters banned if every time we bring them to the public, the OP gets nerfed and ninja'd? What is this, "Don't tell on the bad guy or you will hurt his feelings" You want us to in-game report someone, and I kinda feel like every time we do that a paper is printed and falls into a folder named "shit we don't care about". As we have paid for this product, and continue to pay for dlc, microtransactions, and future games, we would like to not be cheated against or felt as though we have no power against these hackers. I'm just asking for a proper solution because what we have now is a hackfest. How can I play any competitive game modes, (trials) if players can get into an unkillable area of the map, take no dmg, or boot me and my teammates?
Shame these cheaters on reddit instead!
It's definitely the quantum non-locality issue.
Stop editing your post
Edited by Kristijan1001: 8/10/2016 8:34:24 AMIt's Called CronusMax.It's a thing you buy where you can run scripts on it.For example no reload No Land Beyond etc.So u can just setup a script when u hold the R2 Button Not to have any recoil and to fire automaticly without pressing it but just holding it(There are also tons of others way to setup like doing doing reload cancel which shoot,sprint,reload cancel ,shoot which allows breaking the game and allowing really fast rate of fire ).There is your awenser : ) Its not lag.
Makes you wonder what other, more subtle hacks are out there. I've seen guys start regenning health only a couple seconds after I've shot them and stuff like that. Maybe there's guys running around with almost max armour, agility and recovery and stuff like that
Send it to me... damn ninja justice.
I love how the moderators on here protect the cheaters, the legit cheaters. Name shaming should definitely be allowed with proof.
Is Bungie protecting cheaters? If there is proof of someone cheating, should they not be exploited to the community? Isn't it our right to know the names of the ones who exploit the game themselves? That way we too can report them to the right people of authority. I feel your disclaimer has alot of confliction happening. Maybe it is best to seek a better method of monitoring over your servers instead of abusing your power Bungie. What do I know though, I'm yet just another poor sucker buying into your lies. Shame.
I mean that guys name is Ahmed he's got that oil money what did you expect?
Well obviously they drastically buffed Full Auto, duh.
Although the video was pretty fishy not every instance is the person cheating. Modded controllers are widely used
Well. Hawksaw kinda sorta does that. Yeah.
Edited by JCapri: 8/10/2016 1:20:42 AMI agree _^^^
I saw that video a couple weeks ago. There's absolutely no pulsing in the fire rate, whatsoever. It has the RoF of a Doctrine/Arminius, but the impact (7) of the Hawksaw. The impact of a 100 RoF AR is 2. Doing the math that's a TTK of 3.5 faster than a Doctrine. It's also worth noting that the Hawksaw's stability can reach 100 with the right perks. I studied the film closely to verify the weapon I just saw annihilate the other players was a Hawksaw, and it was. Not only did I visually verify in-game, but the person recording the game went inside the player's inventory and verified it was a hawksaw. I have zero idea how it was pulled off.
I really, really hate all the Sturges out there. #TitanMasterRace
Are you sure it wasn't full auto lol
Edited by SilentAssassin: 8/9/2016 8:19:38 PM
You got name banned?
Reported for bitching
Well that's depressing :/
I've been seeing that a lot! Does anyone know what's going on?
Its not cheating, check my hacksaw on my warlock.
In year one I went up against a suros/TLW hybrid. This was long after the Autorifles nerf.
Froggie, are you available?
I've told people on other topics that this can happen. BUT NO, don't listen to the crazy goblin. I'm not gonna post it here but there are several youtube videos showing people using Hawksaw like an auto rifle.