Modded controllers turn single shot or semis into full autos. You don't hack a game for this. They can easily be purchased off of Amazon or ebay. Some.folks can even take your current out of box controller and mod it. This has been around since the beginning of the CoD franchise.
Why would he go to all that trouble cheating and hacking just to turn it into full auto. If so, he should have been more ambitious
The rate of fire on the bullets is crazy. I'm reluctant to call anything cheating. I didn't think anything like this was possible on consoles. But you can clearly see the amount of bullets and how they go through walls. He killed op with body shots quicker than hawkmoin could reset after one shot. Bullets also clearly go through walls. Yes he is redbar. However, he us not skipping around the map as you would expect. I have never seen lag react this way. This is cheating (99% sure).