I've played enough Crucible to know when something is wrong.
I know and have used pretty much every popular weapon in PvP.
Crap like that is happening more often. I know when I have been melted too fast by a particular weapon. It's sad that more people are using modded controllers.
Last saturday night in trials match I was using PDX-45 and was out gunned at close range by Convalances Duty. He put 3 shots in me before I could fire a second burst. Once they made it 3-0 he switched primaries.
Yeah, couple weeks ago I got one shotted by a Saterine Rapier when I was full health. Maybe it had Luck in the Chamber or Final Round but I wouldn't think a mid impact scout rifle would one hit me though.
Sometimes people use grenade combo... works fine
Ok now it makes more sense.