Look at this ahmed guy shooting his Hawksaw like a Machine Gun. I'm not the one in the video but it shows here
Edit: I'm not the guy who made the video nor the person who is in PoV player
Edit: Goddamn this title worked very well. 20 Notifications in 1 day
Edit: Is This Latency or some Unexplained Bullshit?
Edit: This thread is exploding quite a bit. 34 replies in one day
Edit: I hope a Ninja doesn't take this topic down. I love you Duardo :)
[quote]Ninja Edit: [spoiler]This thread has been edited, removing the gaming account names and video of the person(s) who you stated were cheating.
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/126502065/0/0][u]Bungie takes reports and game bans VERY seriously[/u][/url], and so they carefully research those reports against their server logs for actual shenanigans (cheating/exploits). There are different options for reporting cheating directly to Bungie. There is [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12960][u]an in game report function[/u][/url] to use while still playing on your console, and there is now [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13967][u]a cheating report form[/u][/url] for you to fill out here on the website. Creating forum topics to "name and shame" alleged cheaters is not allowed, as it leads to potential harassment of the alleged cheaters.
Feel free to private message the moderator who edited your post, [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/83901]Froggie,[/url] for further clarification about why this action was taken.[/spoiler][/quote]
How are we ever supposed to get these cheaters banned if every time we bring them to the public, the OP gets nerfed and ninja'd? What is this, "Don't tell on the bad guy or you will hurt his feelings" You want us to in-game report someone, and I kinda feel like every time we do that a paper is printed and falls into a folder named "shit we don't care about". As we have paid for this product, and continue to pay for dlc, microtransactions, and future games, we would like to not be cheated against or felt as though we have no power against these hackers. I'm just asking for a proper solution because what we have now is a hackfest. How can I play any competitive game modes, (trials) if players can get into an unkillable area of the map, take no dmg, or boot me and my teammates?