Hey, Bungie! Captain Obvious here with a question and observation.
When TTK dropped, we were all pretty excited. Light levels, upgrades and all that jazz. New weapons, armor and subclasses as well. But we also got a large, steaming pile of disappointment. Some our favorite gear wasn't getting brought forward (RIP VEX MYTHOCLAST, GJALLORHORN, ET AL) and this made a massive amount of gear utterly useless outside of unleveled Crucible matches. It also made VoG, Crota and PoE obsolete since they didn't provide rewards of Y2 levels. So is the same going to happen to TTK gear and its raid? If so, WHAT THE -blam!- IS THE POINT OF KEEPING THAT STUFF AROUND?!?!?!!?!
I'll never get rid of my year 1 weapons and gear I put hours and hours in to get. Trophies for now