I can't stand the people who take up an entire hallway or aisle. They either have a shopping cart or are a beached whale and can't move off to the side. Then I ask politely and they are like "well um i'm trying to do something so you can wait." The ones that really piss me off are the ones who talk to in groups and stand in the middle of a hallway.
So offtopic what pisses you off? Post down below
When a fishing hook slips into my urethra and the only thing I have to get it out is a magazine I can use to paper cut it out
Donald Trump supporters Climate change deniers Intelligent design supporters People that think trickle down economics work People getting so fat they can't walk more than 5 feet without needing a powered wheelchair and then wanting disability from the government for it People with tattoos Beards There's more, but it would just be a wall of text so I'll quit here.
People who aren't original, they just get so annoying. From little kids online showing off their new-found knowledge of the hottest memes, or every person who thinks they're cool because they can parody a shit-post. I also hate stupid people (like myself, most times).
Lazy people at work who get away with crap
Wort, it's so damned annoying.
People who choose the stall/urinal right next to you when there are other ones available. Seriously, why the hell do people do this?
The existence of wisdom teeth. You're useless and causing me immense pain right now because you had to be removed.
People who refuse to explain their actions and opinions at least once. People who are hateful, rude, angry or mean without good reason. This is a big one. People who believe their opinions are right while others' conflicting opinions are wrong. This is also a big one. People who consider simple facts concerning race, gender or otherwise to be racist, sexist or otherwise prejudiced. Parents who let their children get away with bad behavior. This infuriates me. I literally have to fully concentrate on staying as calm as possible when witnessing this. People who are overly apathetic and uncaring. People who forget everything that's said to them. It makes me wonder why I bother talking to them at all when they tell me they don't remember something I'd talked with them about several times before. People who hold a position of authority of some kind, but aren't fair or reasonable. This is a big one. I've gotten into some major arguments with a few of my not-so-great teachers while I was in school. Luckily, most of my teachers were quite reasonable, and I actually really enjoyed those teacher's classes and would often talk with them like I would friends.
Woman walls, female fences, or girl globs. Its basically what I call a large group of girls who take up the entire hallway to talk.
Dat Haramboi
Oh, where do I start? I think I will focus on driving... People who put their foot through the floor of their car to get in front of me...Only to slow to a crawl the moment they do. People who don't use their blinker. People who don't give the right-of-way for emergency vehicles. Basically.... 99% of people on the road these days.
When your girl leaves the cap off the toothpaste.... You know who does that? A synth.
I hate it when the fatties are on their little mobile fat carts and parked in the middle of the isle trying to reach the box of mac and cheese with their reach claw and they just sit there as you try to get past. I've learned the best way to deal with them is to put a pepperoni stick in front of their wheels, and behind the back wheels so those fatties can't move and they just sit there are have to crawl off the fat cart and eat that dirty floor pepperoni to free them selfs. But then they realize they can't crawl back up on to their fat carts and they lay on the dirty floor making orca sounds as the Walmart shoppers take snapchat videos and make vines about the floor Walmart whale. Eventually they have to get the fork lift from the unloading bay to pick them up and haul them out to the parking lot where it's now the city bus problem.
Toothpaste cap off Flat earth society Bad memes 8 year olds invading mp servers on everything How overwatch is Pegi 12 Destiny Flies They are just some
How long it takes Argos to deliver a game Also they never have the stuff I want In my local store dunno why
http://m.imgur.com/gallery/pcyl9 Related
Baron Meta
Ultimate vault hunter mode.
Salt. <3
When someone acts above anyone's level, just makes my blood boil when I see that kind of attitude in someone.
People in traffic who bob anx weave only for you to pass them by and flick them off. (I wish i did flick them off)
The PvP mains who bring up K/D R even though I originally say I'm terrible at PvP and don't counter any of the actual points. It's like someone using the Chewbacca defense but not knowing it because they're mentally challenged. I know it happened in the #Destiny forum but I need to vent or at least have some funny people insult me haha
2010 memes.