Okay look I'm not a pvp god or anything. Hella average. BUT I have games (usually in a row) where I have like 25 kills and 4 deaths. Every shot is on point. Snipes? Pssshhh hitting like a shotgun main claims snipers hit. All I can think is hot diggty damn I'm -blam!-ing killing this game. Then for about 10 games in a row i may scrape by with a crispy .10 KD. Trials? Trials? Shoot I'll smack people with 2200 Elos and then lose to people with 1400 Elos.. Blows my mind how inconsistent I am and it's absolutely nerve racking. Lol. Any one else feel my pain?
I'm noticing a similar trend. But I will add this. Call me crazy... After playing at my best and winning several games in a row, I notice my spawns start changing. My entire team will be at one spawn, while I'm spawning with the enemy, surrounded and killed instantly. I know it sounds a little conspiracy theory-ish, but the trend has been very consistent. I'm a solo player, and when the game spawns me with the enemy consistently, I sort of feel like the game is purposely trying to manipulate my stats, like keep my KD closer to a 1.0 and my win percent as close to 50. I play for fun, so i don't care about my stats. Just feels like I'm spawned with enemy intentionally, and being punished for winning. This spawning issue has allowed teams with significantly lower ELOs to stomp my teams into the ground. Again, I'm a solo player, and the spawning issue probably wouldn't effect my win/loss ratio if I were playing with a fire team.