[spoiler]Ive been waiting for you to reply...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I did though lol, maybe you didn't get a notification?[/spoiler]
Edited by Skatch142: 8/15/2016 3:48:07 AM[spoiler]I must not have... Sorry about that...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Its all good, haven't had any signal the past few days just got back[/spoiler]
*Zak pushes the elbow aside before it hits him and goes for a punch to the ribs*
Edited by Skatch142: 8/15/2016 3:50:02 AM"GAH!" *It hits him, you hear a cracking noise. He then backhands you.*
*a tooth flies out of his mouth* OW! Motherfuuu....
*Sketch now has his left arm around his chest. He kicks you in the gut.*
Oof! how in the hell are you even still moving, from the judge of that sound you have at least one maybe two broken ribs. *he puts his fists up to defend himself*
"I-I think I do too..." *He spits out some blood.* "That can't be g-good..."
No, I don't think it is, can we stop for one sec to make sure its not serious? Ahkari can often sense how bad a wound is, and possibly help fix it.
*Sapphire runs up.* [u]Sketch? You okay?![/u] "I... No?" [spoiler]I think you did well, I'll go ahead and get a lieutenant to look this over.[/spoiler]
Ahkari! I'm sorry sketch this may hurt a little but it will tell us how bad it is. *Ahkari flies over and Zak holds out his arm as she lands on it* *Zak holds Ahkari in front of sketch and Ahkari reaches out twards Sketch with a clawed fore leg and places it on Sketches chest and digs her claws in a little* *she lets go and flies onto Zaks shoulder and nudges his head with her own* She says you'll be fine and the pain will pass but we need to get you bandaged up.
"Mmph... Are you sure? A couple of ribs are feeling pretty broken and I am missing some skin on my arm..." [u]Hold on.[/u] *Sapphire runs over to his backpack and comes back with a small circular device.*
Yeah but that's nothing that won't heal with a little time and some care. whats that, Sapphire?
[u]This can heal him within thirty minutes...[/u]
Really? I have never heard of anything that could heal such wounds so quickly, where did you acquire it?
[u]It's Sphirinian technology... Sketch isn't even sure though...[/u] *She typed something in and Sketch is frozen in place, surrounded by some sort of blue energy.*
*Zak stares into the blue energy captivated* "Huh, so that's why he didn't stop even when severely injured, he could just heal himself with this" he whispers under his breath so does it just work on anyone or just you Sphirinians as you call yourselves? [spoiler]Imma hit the hay, night![/spoiler]
[u]It works on anyone and Sketch has actually survived much worse before he dven had this... This just makes recovering much easier.[/u]
hmmm *he bends over and reaches out to touch the device but thinks better of it and pulls his hand away* So tell me about Sphirinians, I don't believe I have heard of you before and I believe sketch and you are the only ones I have encountered
[u]Well... Sketch thinks that Sphirinia is this planet, but in another dimension... Our entire race looks like wild animals that you would find here on Earth, but only mammals and reptiles... We can't use any magic but we do have extremely advanced technology... Also, Sketch's brother is here too...[/u]
huh, that's intriguing so you think you came here from an alternate dimension? I guess that would explain why I've never met another like you guys. *as he was saying this Ahkari yawned and climbed into his hood from her place on his shoulder and curled up to take a nap*
[u]Yeah... That's why I was really surprised when I saw you... Why is your fur that color? Sketch's fur is like that because he got into a bunch of chemicals when he was young, that's also how he can blend in with shadows... Do you dye yours?[/u] *She looks at him curiously.*
I'm not sure, it's just been this way for as long as I can remember