originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"Uh... okay." [b]He takes aim, and fires twice. The first shot misses by a full two yards to the right of his head. The second ends up hitting the roof of the dojo.[/b]
[spoiler]There is no roof mate [/spoiler] "You're not very good with that are you?"
[spoiler]You telling me that people just sleep without a ceiling? "There's no roof mate" On what's probably one of the most expensive buildings in the world. Sure. You're dumb.[/spoiler] "Er.... Well."
[spoiler]Dude there's no roof in the courtyard People sleep in apartments [/spoiler] "What?"
[spoiler]But there's a [i]wall[/i], right? Imagine it hit the top of the wall.... That's what I meant by "roof" but was too lazy to type "top of the wall". But yah gotta force meh....[/spoiler] "Uh.... Guess I'll use my sword...." [b]He puts he revolver, and drawing the blade from its sheathe. The blade crackles with electricity. It appears to be a legendary one, however the wielder seems unable to wield it. He readies himself, and runs forward, slashing twice. The slashes have no power behind them, and are amazingly inaccurate.[/b]
[b]Royal easily dodges the attacks, moving backwards [/b] "Whose sword?"
"Uh... my dad's. It's called 'Thundering Skies' or somethin'."[spoiler]Did you read his bio...?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yeah [/spoiler] "Interesting."
[b]He readies his sword again, and charges. Everything about him was wrong–his stance, the way he gripped his sword.[/b]
"Eli, just stop while you're ahead please."
[b]He stops, blinking.[/b] "W-what? I thought we were fighting." [b]He looks confused.[/b]
"That's the deal. You can't exactly fight." [b]Royal circles you [/b] "You're swing is wrong. Your stance. Your grip."
"I...." [b]He starts randomly adjusting his grip and stance.[/b] "This better?" [b]It's still wrong.[/b]
[b]Roy sighs [/b] "Tell you what. I'm going to give you access to the Dojo. And I'll get someone to train you."
[b]He smiles.[/b] "Really!?"
"Yes really. Ever heard of the Dight?"
[b]He shakes his head.[/b] "I grew up on a farm. I haven't heard of [i]anything[/i], really."
[b]Royal nods.[/b] "Just come inside."
"Alright." [b]He begins heading towards the dojo entrance.[/b]
[b]The gates open as Royal awaits in the Courtyard [/b]
[spoiler]Royal awaits in the courtyard? Teleportation bullsh*t....[/spoiler] [b]Eli walks in, looking around.[/b]
[spoiler]Shadow powers. Did you forget?[/spoiler] "Over here."
[spoiler]Bullsh*t, bullsh*t, and BULLSH*T[/spoiler] [b]He jogs over.[/b]
"Get in your stance."
[b]He does so.[/b]
[b]Epic three hour time skip [/b]