originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
"That's the deal. You can't exactly fight."
[b]Royal circles you [/b]
"You're swing is wrong. Your stance. Your grip."
"I...." [b]He starts randomly adjusting his grip and stance.[/b] "This better?" [b]It's still wrong.[/b]
[b]Roy sighs [/b] "Tell you what. I'm going to give you access to the Dojo. And I'll get someone to train you."
[b]He smiles.[/b] "Really!?"
"Yes really. Ever heard of the Dight?"
[b]He shakes his head.[/b] "I grew up on a farm. I haven't heard of [i]anything[/i], really."
[b]Royal nods.[/b] "Just come inside."
"Alright." [b]He begins heading towards the dojo entrance.[/b]
[b]The gates open as Royal awaits in the Courtyard [/b]
[spoiler]Royal awaits in the courtyard? Teleportation bullsh*t....[/spoiler] [b]Eli walks in, looking around.[/b]
[spoiler]Shadow powers. Did you forget?[/spoiler] "Over here."
[spoiler]Bullsh*t, bullsh*t, and BULLSH*T[/spoiler] [b]He jogs over.[/b]
"Get in your stance."
[b]He does so.[/b]
[b]Epic three hour time skip [/b]
[b]Three hours later, and he had not improved by much. His stance and grip were correct now, but his coordination and battle instinct were still all wrong.[/b]
"You're getting better."
"A little...." [b]He looks disappointed with himself as the sun sets.[/b]
"Much to learn. Go home. You'll continue tomorrow."
[b]He nods, but doesn't move.[/b]
"You okay?"
"Yeah... yeah. I'll head home in a bit."
"Alright." [b]Royal walks off [/b]
[b]Eli looks around, and walks over to a punching bag that I knowistherestoparguingandbeingadickroyalkthx. He starts punching the punching bag with all his might.[/b]
[b]It takes the hits [/b]
[b]He doesn't go home like he said he would, but kept at the punching bag for a few hours, until he was sweating protrusively at midnight, when he picks up his sword again, and starts swinging at an imaginary target. He keeps training, alone, until dawn, where he lies on the ground. Sweating, tired, but happy.[/b]